Geotechnical Practice for Waste Disposal '87
This volume contains 55 papers covering many aspects of geotechnical issues associated with waste disposal. The papers represent advances during the intervening decade since the first...

Environmental Engineering
The American Society of Civil Engineers annually sponsors a Specialty Conference on Environmental Engineering. The 1987 Conference was held in Orlando, Florida on July 7-9, 1987 with cooperation...

Engineers in Court
Engineers who like debating often serve as expert witnesses. Though many avoid forensic work because they find lawyers intimidating, some like the challenge of explaining engineering principles...

Building High Tech in China
The tallest steel structure in the People's Republic of China is being built by an international complement of designers, suppliers, vendors and contractors. It is the 42...

Engineering a Marketing Plan
Marketing is today as much a part of the engineering firm as design, drafting, and analysis. As design firms face increasing competition, many principals have begun to recognize that the...

Comparison of TRC 212 and SR 209 LOS Calculations
With the release in 1985 of Transportation Research Board (TRB) Special Report (SR) 209, numerous traffic engineering agencies began the transition to new methods of calculating capacity...

An Adaptive Control Strategy for Signalized Intersections
This paper presents a microprocessor-based computational strategy for real-time demand-responsive traffic signal control. The strategy, termed OPAC (Optimization Policy for Adaptive Control),...

Activity Center Development Impact Analysis
A flexible microcomputer spreadsheet analysis method is described for analyzing area-wide and localized impacts of new development in urban or suburban activity centers. The analysis approach...

GTRAF: The Netsim Graphics System
This paper describes the development of an interactive computer graphics (ICG) system, named GTRAF, which will provide users with a new and highly efficient methodology for analyzing results...

Traffic Engineering Data Collection Using Custom Equipment and Microcomputer System Equipment and Procedures
This paper presents experience with various traffic engineering data collection equipment and devices. It presents criteria for the development of a general purpose data collection system....

Real Time Vehicle Systems Monitoring
The system, which has recently been developed, consists of onboard vehicle micro-processor monitoring, data reduction and transmission components, a VHF or satellite communications link,...

ITEEMS: Reducing Mainframe Systems to Micro-scale
The Integrated Traffic Engineering and Enforcement Monitoring System (ITEEMS) is a microcomputer-based system which has an on-line display and analysis of accident records by street intersection,...

Highway Accident Collision Diagrams on a Microcomputer
Collision diagrams of highway accidents are schematic exhibits that illustrate the location of each accident with respect to the highway geometric features. The types of accidents; such...

Evaluation and Testing of Travel Demand Software
Transportation planners are frequently confronted with issues and concerns related to varying levels of analysis detail. Although microcomputer packages exist to analyze regional, corridor...

Transportation Network Building Using a CAD Interface
This paper illustrates how Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc, has made use of AutoCAD(TRADEMARK) on the microcomputer to digitize an existing highway network and to create a new network from...

Transportation Simulation Model Selection Criteria
This paper presents a checklist of questions concerning facets of transportation modeling software packages. This is intended to help the potential software purchaser in his or her search....

Census Data in Travel Demand Model Development
The New Jersey Department of Transportation purchased the Statewide 1980 Census Urban Transportation Planning Package (UTPP) and began offering this information to other Government Agencies...

Downloading Baltimore Regional Databases
The Regional Planning Council (RPC) now is exploring through trial-and-error, the most effective, efficient means of performing travel demand forecasts cooperatively with its 'clients....

Mapping New York City from the Shelf
Data processing and management information systems are a cornerstone of the operating environment and capabilities of New York City (NYC) agencies. One of the functions that make NYC's...

County-Level Planning Model in Atlanta Region
Gwinnett County is working with the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) and Barton-Ashman Associates to download the ARC trip tables for use in a microcomputer transportation planning model...





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