A Methodology for Development of Spaced-Based Assembly Operations
Designing and constructing a large space-based science facility requires the integration of constraints and design variables with assembly operations. Development of such a facility requires...

Design Criteria for an Underground Lunar Mine
Underground excavation and construction techniques have been well developed terrestrially and provide an attractive option for lunar mining and habitat construction. The lunar mine, processing...

Explosive Forming of Aluminum-Lithium Alloys
This paper proposes the use of explosive forming to form large, near net shape components for HLLV propellant tanks and structures in meeting this need. Combining with high strength to...

The Analysis Related to the Impact of Composite Panels
In analyzing experiments under impact loading, a dynamic model is needed to solve for the deflections and strains as functions of time. For composites, where shear deformation can be very...

Composite Materials for Structures on Planetary Surfaces
Development of structures for planetary surface environments depends upon the use of the most appropriate materials. Advanced composite materials are apparently the best candidates for...

Comparison of Micromechanical Models for Elastic Properties
The effective elastic properties for unidirectional composites, as predicted by several analytical micromechanical models are compared for glass/epoxy and graphite/epoxy. A brief review...

Optimum Design of Laminated Composites
The increased demand for high strength, light weight materials that function successfully in high temperature environments has caused the effective development of laminated composites...

Space Habitat Contaminant Growth Models?Part II
This paper reports on the continuation of work being done at NASA's Center for Space Environmental Health (CSEH) at the University of Colorado at Boulder on contaminant growth modelling...

Regolith Dynamics
Due to the differences of the gravitational accelerations of the Earth and Lunar environments, geotechnical engineering must be applied differently in the two environments. This study...

Modular Robot Testbed
One approach to non-terrestrial construction involves the use of small, inexpensive, modular robots rather than expensive one-of-a-kind construction tools. The Modular Robots Testbed at...

A New Era in Space Operations
The United States has embarked on a bold new course in space. We are in the process of deploying global missile defenses which promises to help realize an extended era of international...

Operations Planning for Space Station FREEDOM?and Beyond
Automated planning and electronic execution systems offer tremendous potential for enhancing operations aboard Space Station FREEDOM (SSF). To exploit this potential, the Operations Planning...

Advances in Ground Operations for the Next Generation Space Launch Vehicle Programs
For over thirty years, large launch vehicles such as Saturn, Delta, Atlas, and Titan have successfully provided the world with access to space. The emphasis of each of those programs was...

Architectures for Mission Control at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
One of the most vital, but often overlooked, research areas for space missions is flight operations. The imbalance is caused by many factors. Among them, the manner in which space missions...

An Operational Evaluation Process for Long-Duration Mission Habitats in Space
In preparation for long-duration manned spaceflight into the 21st Century, the ergonomical and psychological aspects of space habitat architectures are being investigated in Europe. Used...

An Integrated Human/Plant Metabolic Mass Balance Model
The design and development of Controlled Ecological Life Support Systems (CELSS) in support of future Lunar and Martian bases requires analytical models for evaluating human and biological...

Thermal Investigation of a Large Lunar Telescope
Recent interest in construction of a large telescope on the Lunar surface (Nein and Davis, 1991; Bely, Burrows, and Illingworth, 1989) has prompted this feasibility study of a thermal...

Concept for a Lunar Array for Very Low Frequency Radio Astronomy
We discuss the design considerations relevant to a very low frequency array, to be deployed on the lunar near side during an early expedition. Such an array would operate in the frequency...

Laboratory Evaluation of Footings for Lunar Telescopes
Presented here are the results of laboratory experiments with different footing shapes for lunar telescopes. These experiments used a variety of soils including some to simulate regolith...

Design of a Support and Foundation for a Large Lunar Optical Telescope
NASA is considering a large lunar telescope [LLT] and a smaller diameter precursor telescope experiment on the Moon. The preliminary design of the 16-meter optical aperture is being performed...





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