Computer Based Master Plans Manage Water Resources
Scottsdale is pursuing water and wastewater master planning with the goal of implementing a proactive water resources management policy. To prepare dynamic master plans with the above...

CLNET?A Computer Model for Tracking Movement, Decay, and Concentrations Throughout Water Distribution Systems
This paper describes a computer program package for modeling the spread and subsequent decay of chlorine for modeling as water travels throughout a water distribution system. This total...

Statistical Modeling of Space-Time Data
A common practice in hydrogeology is to draw contour lines to depict the occurrence of spatially distributed (i.e., regionalized) variables such as groundwater elevations, aquifer properties...

Towards a Better Simulation of Sea States for Modelling of Coastal Structures
In the last fifteen years, techniques of wave generation have advanced to such an extent that it is now possible to exercise controls of parameters such as wave grouping, wave asymmetries,...

Reef Breakwater Response to Wave Attack
A method of predicting stability of a class of low-crested rubble mounds referred to as reef breakwaters is presented. Findings are based on a study which included an extensive series...

Reshaping Breakwaters on the Stability of Roundheads and Trunk Erosion in Oblique Waves
The stability of a berm type breakwater (sacrificial breakwater) was tested in a 3-dimensional model at The Hydraulics laboratory, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Aalborg....

Application of Computational Model on Berm Breakwater Design
The development of a computational model on dynamic stability is summarized. The model is able to predict profiles of slopes with an arbitrary shape under varying wave conditions. The...

Experimental and Historical Verification of the Performance of Naturlly Armouring Breakwaters
A series of hydraulic model test were carried out to investigate the mechanism by which naturally armoring breakwaters, that is breakwaters in which the initial profile is adjusted into...

The Development of a Design for a Breakwater at Keflavik, Iceland
A breakwater design was developed to be built using local quarried rock and relatively simple construction methods. The design significant wave height was 5.8 and the maximum depth of...

The Design and Construction of a Mass Armoured Breakwater at Hay Point, Australia
The design and construction of a prototype mass armored breakwater is briefly described. The paper also explores the practicality of allowing the progressive interaction of design, physical...

Unconventional Rubble-Mound Breakwaters?Concerns
A Seminar on Unconventional Rubble-Mound Breakwaters was held in Ottawa, Canada, on the 15th and 16th of September 1987. This paper is an attempt to summarize the general discussion that...

Pipeline Curvature by Polynomial Approximation
Since start-up of the trans-Alaska pipeline in June of 1977, a variety of techniques have been investigated to monitor pipe settlement and evaluate associated pipe integrity. During the...

Soil Properties Evaluation from Centrifugal Models and Field Performance
The performance of geotechnical projects is dependent upon the appropriateness of the design theory to the boundary conditions, and the characterization of the soil properties used in...

Evaluation of Infiltration Equations Used in Surface Irrigation
Computer simulations of an irrigation event were conducted using 6 full hydrodynamic models. All 6 models used the same surface flow equations and a different infiltration component. The...

Furrow Irrigation Performance Using Real Time Control
Computer simulations were conducted, using a simple feedback control algorithm, to determine the potential for improvement of irrigation performance using real-time feedback control. Field...

Determining Transit Losses for Water Deliveries by Use of Stream-Aquifer Models
Hydrologic modeling of stream-aquifer interaction commonly has been used to quantify transit losses associated with water deliveries, such as those from reservoir storage. This technique...

A Method for `Warped Surface' Land Forming Design
Most approaches to land forming are based on a plane surface design which in some cases may result in prohibitive costs or excessive removal of top soil....

Diagnostic Strategies of an Expert System for Simulating Snowmelt Runoff
An expert system, EXSRM, is being developed for an existing and well tested snowmelt runoff model. The expert system assists an unfamiliar user in setting up the model to run and then...

Modeling Pesticide Metabolite Transport with Gleams
The GLEAMS model (Groundwater Loading Effects of Agricultural Management Systems) was modified to simulate the generation and degradation of pesticide metabolites. Translocation of the...

Simulation of Contaminant Transport Using NMOL Technique
In this paper, a new numerical method, called Numerical Method of Lines (NMOL), is used to solve initial-boundary value problems for solute transport in soils. The simulation results are...





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