Forecasting Water Use: A Tutorial
In spite of 4,000 years of public water supply system construction, designs have been customarily based on forecasts of future water use only during the last 100 years. Choices among available...

Ground-Water Flow Model of Soda-Ash Waste Beds
A recent application by a steel manufacturing plant to obtain a permit for an industrial landfill located on top of abandoned soda-ash waste beds in the City of Syracuse, New York, resulted...

Apportionment of Costs for Multi-Party Cleanups
A rational model was developed for allocating remedial response costs among potentially responsible parties involved in clean up of abandoned waste sites. The model takes into consideration...

Emerging Environmental Clean-Up Responsibility
This paper is a summary of the structure of regulations requiring clean-up of sites when closed or sold, specifically the State of New Jersey's Environmental Cleanup Responsibility...

Water Diversion at Low-Level Waste Disposal Sites
Shallow depth to groundwater, surface drainage, and subsurface flow during storm events are major environmental concerns of low-level radioactive waste management operations in humid regions....

Saving Time and Money with Archaeology
In the past 20 years, archaeology has become a necessary part of many engineering projects. However, this aspect of a project is often regarded as an obstacle in terms of costs and time....

PCB Contamination of a Mass. Harbor: Technical Challenges for a Remedial Solution
The highest priority uncontrolled site in Massachusetts, the New Bedford Harbor Superfund site, is contaminated with high concentrations of PCBs. The magnitude and nature of contamination,...

Field Scale Solidification/Stabilization of Hazardous Wastes
The selection of appropriate remedial action measures only takes place after a full evaluation of all feasible alternatives. An alternative to off site disposal is solidification/stabilization...

Design and Construction of TCE/PCE Removal Facilities
This paper presents a review of the design and construction of a facility in Arcadia, California, to remove trichloroethylene (TCE) and tetrachlorethylene (PCE) from ground water. (Edited...

Hazard Assessment of Landfill Fire Air Emissions
The PJP Landfill, located in northeastern New Jersey, is a suspected hazardous waste site, and is listed on the federal Superfund National Priorities List. In addition to contaminating...

Innovations in Army Treatment of Remote Site Wastes
The U. S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (USA-CERL) is currently evaluating new methods for waste treatment at remote sites which will eliminate or mitigate problems...

Health Hazard Assessment of Waterless Remote Site Waste Management Technologies
The United States Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (USA-CERL) has had an ongoing research program addressing remote site waste treatment technologies. The potential for...

RCRA Compliance During Remediation of Waste Sites
The author discusses the impact of the proposed National Contingency Plan revisions of February 1985, which require that remedies under Superfund must attain or exceed applicable or relevant...

Adsorption and Release of Heavy Metals in Contaminated Soil
This study investigated the adsorption and release rates of toxic metals in soil type associated with hazardous waste sites common to the Northeastern United States. Five heavy metals...

On-Site Containment of PCB-Contaminated Soils
A remedial investigation/design project, with subsequent post-closure monitoring, was conducted for upland areas containing PCBs at an industrial site in New Bedford, Massachusetts. A...

Foundations in Permafrost and Seasonal Frost
The papers in this volume cover the following subject areas: A method that utilizes a decision matrix diagram for selecting the most suitable and economical foundations for construction...

Roller Compacted Concrete
Roller compacted concrete has emerged recently as an economical material and rapid method of construction for use in gravity dams, overflow structures and heavy duty pavements. The economics...

Evaluation of Cloud Seeding: Southern Great Plains
One of the important aspects of planned weather modification in the United States is that many operational, non-experimental cloud seeding projects have occurred since 1950. Further, several...

Economics of Ditch Maintenance in Northwestern Ohio
A history of drainage and settlement in the Black Swamp of Northwestern Ohio is presented. The Ohio Ditch Law and county ditch maintenance program is explained. An economic comparison...

Monitoring Completed Coastal Projects
In the United States, construction of public works to develop water resources is the responsibility of the Army Corps of Engineers. These works include projects to improve ocean and coastal...





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