Influence of Wetlands on Streamflow in Illinois
Streamflow records from 30 gaging stations in Illinois were analyzed to assess the influence of wetlands on streamflow. The objective of this research was to determine if streamflow parameters...

GIS Visualization Techniques in Surface Water Resource Planning
Geographic information system (GIS) computer graphic displays of surface water resource conditions provides a means for valuation-by-visualization (VBV) of alternate plans. GIS display...

Diffuser Design for Water Quality-Based Toxics Control
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulations require that the discharge of toxic pollutants to the waters of the United States be controlled. These regulatory requirements have made...

Measurements to Calibrate Suspended Sediment Model for Adsorbed Contaminant Transport Study of North Fork Holston River, Virginia
A daily suspended sediment (SS) and mercury transport model was developed for a 25-mile reach of the North Fork Holston River below Saltville, Virginia. Daily streamflow measurements;...

Natural Salt Pollution in the Brazos River Basin
Water quality in several major river basins in the Southwestern United States is seriously degraded by natural salt contamination. The salt originates from geologic formations underlying...

Coastal Watershed Unit Hydrographs and Methods
The results of a study to determine unit hydrograph peak rate factors for South Carolina coastal watersheds are summarized and compared with traditional values. An extension to the SCS...

Wetland Drainage and Streamflow Trends in Illinois
Long-term streamflow records from 30 gaging stations in Illinois were analyzed to assess the impact of wetland drainage on streamflow trends. The objective of the research was to determine...

Verification of WASURO Using the Puerto Nuevo Physical Model Study Results
The Jacksonville District, US Army Corps of Engineers, used the hydraulic design computer modeling program, WASURO, for preliminary design of the Rio Puerto Nuevo Flood Control System....

Rainfall-Runoff Modeling in a Small Urban Watershed
Knights Branch watershed is located in Dallas, Texas, and it covers an area of about 5 mi2 (13 km2). Due to...

Daily Drought Monitoring by the Use of Existing Hydrologic Records
To manage water efficiently in case of drought, an effective drought monitoring method has been of interest. Drought durations and their conditional probabilities are estimated by applying...

An Engineering Analysis of Sedimentation in Tidal Inlets
The engineering comparative analysis of deposition and scour of noncohesive sediments in the neighborhood of bridges over tidal inlets is a unique problem which does not lend itself conveniently...

Numerical Modeling of Proposed Channel Designs (J. F. Baldwin III), California
Ship simulator studies of proposed improvements to navigable waterways are a very important part of any assessment. The John F. Baldwin Channel (JFB) Project (Phase III) is a ship channel...

Drought-related West Tennessee Channel Bank Failures
Massive bank failures occurred in 1988 along a 14-kilometer reach of the lower Obion River channel in Dyer County, West Tennessee where the river flows through an abandoned Mississippi...

The Benefits of U.K. Guidance for Temporary Works
In British contracts the Contractor is responsible for the design and execution of temporary works unless the Design Engineer or the Client expressly instruct how the work is to be undertaken...

Specifying Trench Safety: the Texas Experience
The frequency of accidents during trenching operations has grown so dramatically that the issue has caught the attention of both industry 'insiders' and 'outsiders.'...

Fall Protection & Debris Containment During Construction
The purpose of this paper is to review the current practices in the United States for both fall protection and debris protection during high rise construction. A performance comparison...

Temporary Lateral Support System for Historic Building Facades in Boston
This paper describes a system of vertically cantilevered structural steel trusses, designed by the author, that provided temporary lateral support for a group of five and six story, 120...

Performance of a Prestressed Rigid Frame During Removal of Column 6W from I93 in Boston, Massachusetts
The first phase of the suppression of Boston's Central Artery included the Early Viaduct Construction in the Central Artery North Area. This project required that Column 6W...

Permanent Structure as Part of the Underpinning System for Boston's Central Artery
The Central Artery, a major six lane structural steel viaduct, has been one of Boston's most significant roadways over the past three decades. Increasing congestion, accidents,...

Composite Twin Tub Bridge Erection Intersection of Interstate I-84 and I-94 in Hartford, Connecticut
Curved bridge erection requires detailed preparation by the contractor, plus a sharing of responsibility and liability between the owner, designer of the new structure and the contractor....





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