The 1991 Revolution in Water Management
A revolution in water management took place in California in 1991, the fifth consecutive year of drought. Deliveries from California's major water projects in 1991 were reduced 70 to 100...

Alternative Methods of Drainage Management in San Joaquin Valley, California
The subsurface drainage and drainage-related problems in the San Joaquin Valley cost millions of dollars to the State and local economy every year. A number of actions have been proposed...

Engineering Aspects of Wetland Design
Successful wetland enhancement, restoration, or creation projects require integration of desired wetland functions, local hydrologic and soil conditions, and biological requirements into...

Bodkin Island Wetland Restoration Project Design
Bodkin Island in the Chesapeake Bay will be increased by 2 hectares through placement of dredged material to create nesting and brood habitat for black ducks. The enlarged island will...

Savannah International Airport Environmentally Minded Stormwater Master Planning
The proposed Savannah International Airport expansion required a coordinated effort between engineers and environmental scientists to develop a stormwater management plan which would utilize...

Habitat Simulation in United States, Britain, and France
The need to identify an instream flow requirement for water resources management exists in a number of countries. The use of habitat simulation in the United States, Great Britain, and...

The Changing Alliance Between Navigational and Environmental Interests in the ACF Basin
Structural modifications imposed on the Apalachi-cola River for navigation, their environmental impacts and government actions to address these impacts are reviewed. Past structural modifications...

Highway Construction and a Trout Stream Relocation
In 1970, a ten-mile section of Traffic Route 15 in the northern portion of Lycoming County extending into Tioga County was under design as a two-lane limited access highway on four lane...

Managing Water Supply with Aquifer Storage and Recovery
The City of Chesapeake, located in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia, is experiencing a rapid growth in population which translates into an increased demand for water, particularly during...

Optimal Capacity Expansion in Multi-Aquifer Systems
A deterministic optimization model is presented for analyzing the capacity expansion policies in multi aquifer systems. The response of the system is included in the optimization model...

Wetland Restoration and Creation Guidelines for Mitigation
The majority of wetland mitigation projects built in the U.S. are failures. Reasons for failure include poor siting, improper design (including inadequate baseline data collection), inadequate...

Implementation of the NPDES Storm Water Regulations by Municipalities in the San Francisco Bay Area
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) final rule for storm water discharge regulation under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requires municipalities...

Jefferson Parish Storm Water Management
Jefferson Parish has been identified as an urban area requiring a municipal storm water NPDES permit. Jefferson is now in the progress of completing its Part 1 permit applications and...

Calibration and Validation of the Storm Water Management Model to the Providence Area Combined Sewer System
This paper exemplifies the calibration and validation of the EPA Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) to one drainage area within the Providence (RI) area combined sewer overflow system....

A Multi-objective Criteria Analysis for Alternative Route Planning
A multi-objective criteria analysis was used to identify a proposed rail spur route with the optimal combination of low environmental impact, favorable engineering characteristics and...

Information Theory and Multi-Objective Evaluation
The evaluation of alternatives with scarce knowledge is a common decision-making situation. This situation contrasts with decision-making in the presence of abundant knowledge, which is...

Ongoing Monitoring Results Pilot Stormwater Disposal Facilities, Pierce County, Washington
The three stormwater disposal facilities evaluated appeared to increase in pollutant removal effectiveness after approximately 4 to 5 months of operation. This may be due to the deposition...

Dry Weather Field Screening as an Indicator for Urban Drainage System Rehabilitation
In November 1990, EPA published final rules governing National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Application Regulations for stormwater discharges. The rules affect...

Coupled Water-Wastewater Management Issues
The concept of coupled alternatives is an emerging engineering issue in master planning for water resources management. Coupled alternatives involve the concurrent evaluation of water...

Building a Pipeline?Not a Flow Through Process
This paper will illustrate that the planning, design, and construction of a 32-mile water supply pipeline from Stockton Lake to Springfield involves more than just digging a trench, placing...





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