Dredging Developments in the Canadian Arctic
The use of dredges in the Canadian Arctic in connection with oil exploration programmes has lead to the adaptation of existing and adoption of new techniques. Further development is required...

Design and Construction - Theodore Ship Channel
Environmental impacts, greater technological capabilities, and improved evaluation techniques make the disposal of large quantities of dredge material more complex and involved. Also,...

Open Water Disposal for Marsh Creation James River, VA
There is a need for close cooperation between design and construction of levees on soft foundation for containing dredge material. The scope of this study included marine exploration,...

Placing of Impermeable Underwater Membranes
An impermeable underwater membrane has been applied successfully in the construction of a lowered road section in the Netherlands. In this paper the construction technique is discussed...

Settlement and Stability of Ocean Disposal Mounds
This study examines the engineering behavior of dredged material disposal mounds in Long Island Sound. The study area is located about eight miles off the coast of New Haven where several...

The London Dumping Convention and Its Role in Regulating Dredged Material: An Update
The United States is signatory to an international treaty that is implemented through the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter (London...

Tampa Harbor Florida Deepening Project
Tampa Harbor is one of the largest dredging projects ever undertaken by the Corps of Engineers. The major features of the deepening project which presented the greatest problems were the...

Fabric-Reinforced Dikes, Craney Island
Three fabric-reinforced test sections 300-, 400-, and 750-ft long were successfully constructed on very soft dredged material deposits within the Craney Island dredged material disposal...

An Offshore Mound Constructed of Dredged Material
The concept of using dredged material to intentionally construct an underwater mound was tested and confirmed at the Dam Neck Disposal Site, 4 miles offshore Virginia Beach, Virginia....

Confined Disposal in the Canadian Great Lakes
The dredging activities of Public Works Canada, Ontario Region, extend over most of the Canadian Great Lakes thereby significantly impacting on its environment. The paper presents a brief...

Management of Dredged Material Disposal Areas
Procedures and techniques that have been used successfully in Charleston, S. C. for planning management of disposal areas are outlined and explained. The following are some of the issues...

Habitat Development Using Dredged Material
Over the past eleven years, a number of environmentally and economically acceptable beneficial uses have been tested and developed using dredged material substrates. This work has primarily...

Case History: North Slope Alaska Hydraulic Dredging
Alaska's North Slope Borough, with the aid of dredging machinery consultant Michael Weston, and geotechnical consultant Rittenhouse-Zeman & Associates, has pioneered...

Construction of Monroe Harbor Confined Disposal Facility
Management of the construction of a 40 million project, a confined disposal facility for dredge spoil, within a small multipurpose recreation facility presents unique challenges to intergovernmental...

Design of Confined Disposal Areas for Retention of Contaminants
Dredged material which is unsuitable for disposal in open water due to the presence of contaminants is normally placed in confined disposal areas. The quality of effluent discharged from...

Long-Term Management of Confined Disposal Areas
Systematic management of confined dredged material disposal sites is becoming increasingly necessary as competition for land use intensifies in regions in which most dredging projects...

Impact and Mitigation: LA/LB Landfill Plan
Mitigation planning in U. S. ports has primarily been on a project by project basis, an approach that is costly and ineffective. This paper reports on a biological impact assessment and...

Upland Disposal of Dredged Material at Liberty State Park
The development of a State Park along the waterfront of Jersey City, New Jersey, immediately to the west of the Statue of Liberty National Monument, required the reshaping of the existing...

Alaskan Harbor Plan Features to Reduce Dredging Costs
The high cost of construction and maintenance of harbors in remote rural areas of Alaska has provided unique challenges to coastal engineers and harbor planners in designing affordable...

Fundamentals of Capping Contaminated Dredged Material
Contaminated dredged material disposed in subaqueous sites may be chemically and biologically isolated by covering or capping with a layer of clean material. The capping concept is simple;...





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