Oil-Spill Contingency Planning for OCS Operations
Oil-spill preparedness and response have been an important part of the Minerals Management Service (MMS) regulatory program since the Santa Barbara spill in 1969. The focus of the spill...

Reformulation Efforts for Panama City Beaches, Florida
The Panama City Beaches project was authorized by the Water Resources Development Act of 1986. The authorized plan provides for the placement of a protective beach to elevation 4 feet...

Marina Refuse and Recycling Facilities
Because of widespread concern regarding the impacts of plastic refuse on marine life, forty-one nations are now party to a treaty which prohibits the disposal of plastics at sea, restricts...

Linking CZM With Local Planning and Zoning, Examples of Successful Harbor Management Planning
In September, 1988, the Rhode Island Coastal Resources Management Council initiated the Rhode Island Harbors Management Project. This project calls for Rhode Island municipalities to establish...

Development of Shallow Draft Harbor Design Criteria
One of many U.S. Army Corps of Engineer (USACE) missions is the construction and maintenance of shallow-draft coastal ports and harbors. Current practices for shallow-draft harbor design...

Are Timber Seawalls that Fail, Cost Effective??Seacliff State Beach Santa Cruz County, California
Proposed reconstruction of a major portion of a 5,100-foot long timber seawall at Seacliff State Beach in Santa Cruz County, California, in 1984, became a major controversy because of...

The Safeguard of the Coastal Environment: A Possibility of a Preventive Action Against the Erosive Phenomena
The goal of this study is to show how it was possible to predict the widespread erosion along the Emilia-Romagna littoral (Italy). It was possible if a systematic survey of the coastal...

Management of Sandy Inlets: Coastal and Environmental Engineering Imperatives
Management of sandy tidal inlets is required for maintenance of navigable channels and control of beach erosion. Management elements essentially entail 'resharing'...

The Future of Nonpoint Source Pollution Management
The Coastal Zone Act Reauthorization Amendments (CZARA) of 1990 have brought the first major revisions to the CZMA in ten years. Section 6217 of the new legislation describes the requirements...

A Regional Approach to State Coastal Management
The Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management (MCZM) Program, which was federally approved thirteen years ago, has a long and impressive history of community, agency and legislative support....

Alaska Coastal Management Program: Development of the Coastal Zone Boundary
The Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 required participating states to identify areas subject to a state management program, or delineate a coastal zone boundary. Alaska's...

Organic Compound Modelling in Tidal Waters
For a case study, different types of models of the entire harbor of Hamburg were developed. Some of these models are useful for describing oil transport in the case of an accident (e.g.,...

Case Study: Management and Development Along the East China Sea, China
Situated in the central part of the West Pacific rim, the East China Sea is the most important one of the four China Seas. About 1/3 of the coastline, 2/5 of the estuaries and 1/2 of the...

Building a Regional Consensus for Ecosystem Management: The Gulf of Maine Experience
This paper will review the genesis of the Gulf of Maine Program, a regional marine protection initiative undertaken by the states and provinces bordering this international water body....

Borderline Estuaries and Interstate Management Programs
Estuaries bordered by more than one state authority often suffer from contrasting and/or conflicting management practices along the shores of a continuous body of water. Management strategies...

A Piston-Type Nonlinear Wavemaker Theory
In this paper, the small-amplitude surface waves produced by a piston-type nonlinear porous wavemaker in an infinitely and a semi-infinitely long channel are studied. Analytical solution...

Model Comparisons of Harbor Wave Response
Physical and numerical model tests were conducted for an idealized, flat-bottom rectangular harbor, entrance channel, and nearshore bathymetry. Bathymetry of the entrance channel and offshore...

Pollution Control Strategies of the Puget Sound Water Quality Management Plan: Puget Sound Water Quality Authority
In 1988 EPA designated Puget Sound as an estuary of national significance under section 320 of the Clean Water Act. Due to its natural beauty, favorable climate, and economic health, the...

The Present State of the Adriatic Sea Sanitation Program
Several consecutive years of frightening phenomena in the Adriatic Sea, which have made a great impact on the tourist economy, have demonstrated the need for rapid and effective sanitation...

Surface Water Improvement and Management (SWIM) Planning at the South Florida Water Management District
During the past century, environmental values of Florida's wetlands, lakes and estuaries have been severly impacted by human activities. By 1987, the Florida legislature was...





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