Research for New Water Table Management Systems
Water table management in the form of controlled-drainage and controlled-drainage/subirrigation is a feasible, yet under-utilized, practice in the Atlantic Coast flatwoods, the Ohio River...

Ground-Water Recharge from Streamflow Data, NW Florida
Annual base flows of streams draining Okaloosa County and adjacent areas in northwest Florida were determined through hydrograph separation and correlation techniques for purposes of evaluating...

Hydrologic Impact of Reservoir Filling on a Fractured Crystalline-Rock Aquifer
A study of flow in and recharge to fractured rock has been initiated in conjunction with the construction and filling of a pumped-storage reservoir for a hydropower plant in the Blue Ridge...

The Effect of Channelization of R?o Puerto Nuevo on Ground-Water Levels in the San Juan Metropolitan Area, Puerto Rico
Channelization and concrete lining of the Rio Puerto Nuevo and its tributaries in the San Juan Metropolitan area has been proposed to control flooding in low lying areas adjacent to the...

Estimating Upland Recharge in the Yucca Mountain Area
Field and modeling studies were conducted recently for the Fortymile Canyon watershed and the Rock Valley area near the site of the proposed high-level nuclear waste repository at Yucca...

Effect of Choptank Watershed Drainage Project on Suspended Sediment Concentration
Between 1974 and 1982, the Soil Conservation Service, U.S.D.A. conducted a sediment concentration study on the Choptank Watershed in Caroline County, Maryland to monitor the effects of...

Source of Atrazine and Desethylatrazine in a River, During Base Flow
A budget of atrazine and desethylatrazine loads was computed for a 116-kilometer reach of the Cedar River in Iowa to determine where these compounds enter the river during base-flow conditions....

Water Quality of Shallow Groundwater Reused for Irrigation
Drainage water was collected by subsurface drains and reapplied to half of a drained alfalfa field in Fallon, Nevada, during the 1989 irrigation season. Irrigation district water was applied...

Hydrologic and Geochemical Approaches for Determining Ground-Water Flow Components
Lyman Lake is an irrigation-storage reservoir on the Little Colorado River near St. Johns, Arizona. The main sources of water for the lake are streamflow in the Little Colorado River and...

Evapotranspiration and Growth Predictions of CERES Maize, Sorghum and Wheat in the Southern High Plains
Daily ET, leaf area index, and dry matter accumulation were predicted using CERES models for maize, sorghum, and winter wheat grown at Bushland, Texas to determine the models'...

Current Investigations of Hawaiian Taro Pondfield Irrigation Systems
Due to the prominence of taro pondfield irrigation water in the State of Hawaii's system of water rights, the heightened attention given to water resource management under...

Description and Evaluation of Program: SNUSM
The Staggered Net Unsteady State Model (SNUSM) was developed in the early 1980's by the United States Bureau of Reclamation under the direction of Bob Gooch and Al Graves....

Surface Water/Groundwater Interaction Studies
Studies were performed on a high elevation (2440 meters or 8000 feet) valley stream system and a high (1980 meters or 6500 feet) cold desert stream system in Wyoming, to analyze the surface...

Underground Water Conservation Districts: A Case Study in Water Resources Management
Ground water supplies approximately half of the annual water use in the state of Texas. The water law system in the state is extremely complex and non-integrated, making the management...

A Study of a Flood Control Levee Swamp System
In an attempt to reconstruct the events of the more than 100-year 1987 New Year's Eve storm that occurred on Oahu, Hawaii, an analysis of a complicated overland flow phenomenon...

The Ala Wai Canal?From Wetlands to World-Famous Waikiki
The Ala Wai Canal, a man-made tidal estuary on the island of Oahu, Hawaii, is located about a half mile (0.8 km) landward of Waikiki beach and is two miles (3.2 km) long. As Hawaii's...

Effects of Uranium Mining, Puerco River, New Mexico
Effluent from uranium-mine dewatering and acidic water released by a tailings-pond dike failure increased radionuclide activities in streamflow in the Puerco River in New Mexico and Arizona....

Geochemical Mass-Balance in a Small Forested Watershed in Southwestern Pennsylvania
An intensive hydrologic investigation of the North Fork Bens Creek Watershed on Laurel Hill in southwestern Pennsylvania was made during 1984-85. Precipitation was sampled weekly, and...

Hydrologic Change Caused by the Eruption of Mount St. Helens
On 18 May 1980, the eruption of Mount St. Helens created a massive landslide which covered 32 square miles and stripped all vegetation from 150 square miles. A study of changes in hydrologic...

Numerical Methods for Simulating Debris Blockage Failures and Mudflows
This paper presents the procedures and results from an investigation to evaluate the hydraulic characteristics of mudflow events resulting from hypothetical failures of a debris blockage...





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