Ship Simulation of the Houston Ship Channel, Houston, Texas
The Houston Ship Channel (HSC) consists of approximately 65 miles of improved deep-draft channels. The present channel is 400 ft wide and 40 ft deep at mean low tide for most of the channel...

Draft Chapter 1?Planning and Design Guidelines for Small Craft Harbors?Planning and Environmental Considerations
The purpose of this paper is to present, in draft form, the first chapter of a technical report on the planning and design of small craft harbors being prepared by a special task force...

Planning and Design Guidelines for Small Craft Harbors?Economic factors and Finance
The purpose of this paper is to present, in draft form, the fourth chapter of a technical report on the planning and design of small craft harbors being prepared by a special task force...

Information Management in Water Resources: Database and GIS Integration
Historically the management and analysis of large quantities of water resources related information has been time consuming and expensive. Until recently, the use of sophisticated geographic...

Unit Hydrograph Derivation Using Geographic Information System
Geographical information system (GIS) data management and processing functions are used to develop synthetic unit hydrographs using input data consisting of digital elevation models (DEM)...

Global Warming and Possible Effects on the Central and Southern Florida Project
The possible impacts of global warming on the operation and management of the Central and Southern Florida Project are examined. The potential impacts include sea level rise, tropical...

Global Change and Regional Water Resources
Global climatic changes will probably have significant effect on the utilization of regional water resources and will influence markedly the operation of water storage and delivery systems....

Water Demand Management in the Las Vegas Valley Region
Water resources in the Las Vegas Valley Region (LVR) are of great concern to the residents and local water purveyors. The chief stimulus for concern is the rapid growth of the region coupled...

Scheduling of Ground Water Pumpage in Alluvial Aquifers to Minimize the Impact on Surface Water Diversions
The purpose of this paper is to present a methodology to administer the withdrawal of ground water from a basin where stream-aquifer systems are hydraulically connected. The administrative...

An Approach for Incorporating Inflows Uncertainty in Management Models
Inflow uncertainty is probably the most difficult issue for optimal management of conjunctive use water resources systems. In many instances, the effect of future inflows and their uncertainty...

Rock Creek?Cresta Sediment Management Plan
Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), an investor owned utility serving northern and central California, is working to manage sediments at its Rock Creek - Cresta Hydroelectric...

Agricultural Option Contracts
A plan for developing and implementing option contracts on agricultural water supplies by municipalities in Northern Colorado is presented. Two water supply projects - the Colorado-Big...

Urban Water Management in the 21st Century
The rapid growth of cities is placing heavy demands on limited water resources. While conservation and demand management programs have been recognized as essential elements of urban water...

Reclaimed Water, Irrigation, and Conservation Pricing
The Irvine Ranch Water District (IRWD) is located in the south-central portion of Orange County consisting of approximately 76,000 acres. The most extensive reclaimed water project in...

Demand Management Strategies for Providence Water Supply Board
The Providence water supply is the largest in Rhode Island, and the demands placed upon it continue to increase with the growth of the area as other systems turn to it as a preferred source...

Computer Support for Water Quality Management in San Diego Bay
At present, a variety of computer based systems and techniques, including mathematical models, data bases, information management schemes, statistical analysis packages, and graphical...

Lunacy, Legerdemain or Levitation: Legal Assessment of the ASCE Model Water Code
The Water Laws Committee of the ASCE Water Resources Planning and Management Division established a Model State Water Code Task Committee in 1990 which has the task of preparing a text...

What Should the ASCE Model Water Code Committee Do?
The ASCE, Water Planning and Management Division, Water Laws Committee effort to draft a model water code is motivated by the recognition of change and is intended to offer assistance...

Interfacing with the Public on Water-Related Issues?What TVA is Doing
Management of the water resources of the Tennessee River Basin has been a primary responsibility of the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) since its creation almost 60 years ago. In the...

Water Supply Operations During Drought
During years when water supply may not be adequate to cover water demands, water supply decision maker or managers need to decide how to spread projected shortages through the anticipated...





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