Potential Statewide Impacts of Florida's Proposed High Speed Rail System
This paper presents a summary of the findings from an analysis of the potential statewide impacts resulting from the construction and operation of a high speed intercity rail system in...

Ecological Costs of Urban Expansion in a Mangrove Ecosystem: A Case Studied
On Santa Catarina Island in southern Brazil, mangrove systems are found along about 14.7% of this coast. These areas, although declared by legislation as 'Permanent Preservation Areas',...

Streambank Inventory and Protection Soldotna Reach, Kenai River, Alaska
This paper discusses bank conditions found along the Kenai River within the city of Soldotna in Alaska. River banks were inventoried in May 1990 by USDA Soil Conservation Service (SCS)...

Effects of Estuarine Habitat Quality on Juvenile Salmon: I. Chemical Contaminant Exposure and II. Altered Growth and Immune Function
Some urban estuaries on the west coast of the US are important habitats for several species of juvenile salmon and receive multiple stresses from human activities. Because these estuaries...

Sandy Beach Restoration in Heavily Populated Areas
Urban coastal areas are marked by several conflicts between its use and the conservation of its use and the conservation of its natural features. The Rio de Janeiro State University -...

Managing Beach Erosion in Fortaleza, Brazil
The littoral of the metropolitan region of Fortaleza City, State of Ceara in the Northeastern part of Brazil, has suffered significant morphological changes during this century. There...

Heavy Metals Contamination and its Implication in the Development of the Estuarine Zone of the Southern China
During the pat decade, the economic growth of the estuarine region of the Southern China has been astonishingly rapid. One of the major concerns has been the water pollution problem because...

Some Considerations About a Coastal Lagoon (RJ-Brasil) Trophic Level
The growing urban occupation in coastal areas has generated environmental disturbs such as the eutrophication of semi-enclosed water bodies. The Marapendi Lagoon, located at a fast developing...

Master Planning to Resolve Hawaiian Coastal Problems
Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii, is an extensive estuary enclosed by a coral barrier reef. Currently, the Bay is heavily used by numerous groups for a range of different types of activities,...

Bioaccumulation in Mussels Caged in Alamitos Bay, CA
Alamitos Bay is a coastal embayment located in the southern portion of the highly urbanized Los Angeles basin. There is concern of the potential for contamination stemming from urban non-point...

Simulation of Beach Fill Response to Multiple Storms, Ocean City, Maryland
The beach fill project constructed over 1988-1991 at Ocean City, Maryland, includes nearshore wave and water-level measurements and high-accuracy beach profile sea-sled surveys performed...

Coastal Zone Management in Accra, Ghana
The coastal zone of the capital city of Ghana, Accra, is facing a critical stage in its evolution. In the newt 20 years, the population is expected to more than double from the presently...

The Present Condition and Future Prospects of the Shonan Nagisa Plan
The central part of Kanagawa prefecture adjoining metropolitan Tokyo, and facing the Sagami bay is called the Shonan area. Since the 1950', the area's mild climate, abundant greenery and...

A Study on Local Residents' Evaluation of Residential Waterfront Area
In the present study, a questionnaire survey was conducted in 9 cities in Japan to investigate the utilization perception and utilization of local residents to neighborhood waterfront...

Migration to Traffic Adaptive Control?A Case Study
Many of the urban traffic control systems currently in operation around the world are based on first generation control technology, and for various reasons, they are now in need of renewal....

Estimation of Queue Lengths in Urban Road Networks
In this paper we present a new scheme for the surveillance of traffic state on a link of an urban road network. It is shown that measurements of traffic counts and speed values from a...

A Dynamic Real-Time Incident Detection System for Urban Arterials?System Architecture and Preliminary Results
This study presents a system which is capable of detecting incidents in real-time and adjusting itself to traffic dynamics through the embedded learning mechanism. The entire system consists...

Rural Applications of IVHS
The Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems (IVHS) program in the U.S.A. is understandably directed primarily toward urbanized areas where congestion is highest. Despite having somewhat less...

Rural Applications of IVHS in Minnesota
The application of advanced technologies in a rural highway environment continues to gain an increasingly significant degree of exposure within the IVHS community. As part of the Minnesota...

IVHS Transit Applications ? Rural/Small Urban Areas
The application of APTS technologies to public transportation services as found in small and medium sized communities and in rural areas is still to be explored in the United States. To...





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