Simulation of Marsh Growth Under Rising Sea Levels
A method for computation of the rise of a marsh surface is presented that includes the effects of tidal and sea level variations, aggregation and deposition of cohesive suspended sediments,...

Sources of Information for Coastal Engineering
The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is undertaking a significant effort of documenting the coastal engineering data sources either available at or published by Government agencies as...

AIRTRANS System Maintenance
This paper addresses AIRTRANS, and in particular, its maintenance organization, facilities, tasks and methodologies. Recognizing that other automated people movers (APM's)...

Liability of the Resident Engineer
This paper focuses on specific examples of resident engineer liability situations. It specifically discusses to whom the resident engineer has responsibility, why the law imposes the liability...

The Resident Engineer?Staffing the Team
One of the initial actions a Resident Engineer (RE) must grapple with each time he begins a new construction project is how to staff his construction team. The balancing of the type and...

Constraints of Personnel Staffing and Funding
Staffing and project funding are discussed in this paper as they relate to the accomplishment of the construction office responsibilities for the Central Arizona Project. General staffing...

Modeling Construction Companies
This paper reports on the development, implementation, and practical use of a micro-computer based system which simulates the organizational performance of construction companies. The...

Performance Prediction for Removal of Odorous Organics From Drinking Water by Adsorption
The authors address three questions: What do packed bed filters remove from suspension in water treatment plants? How do they accomplish this removal? How can this knowledge be used in...

Microcomputer Software Support at the State Level
This paper describes a case where the organizational approach to microcomputer control was taken and contrasts the results with optimal individual systems within the group. In this context,...

Managing the Move to Microcomputers
A method is offered for making a rational plan for acquisition of hardware and software. Other items are discussed which need to be considered, including maintenance, training, communications,...

The Role of the Resident Engineer
These proceedings include the papers presented at the specialty conference on resident engineers. The papers address different perceptions of the definition, qualifications, duties, responsibilities,...

Managing Computers
The papers in this book address the impacts of computers on the organization, the individual, and project management. On the organizational level, topics include managing the introduction...

Big Organizations: Restructure Them into Small Ones
Engineering firms and agencies grow in two ways: horizontally as the number of specialized support divisions increases, and vertically through new positions in the hierarchy. The traditional...

Look Again at Quality Circles
Companies in many countries have tried or are trying quality control circles as a major part of their productivity improvement programs. A quality control circle uses the experience and...

Organizational Implications for Financing Constructed Facilities
The ownership arrangements for constructed facilities not only can generate the capital for new facilities but also will influence the management of the construction and operation of these...

Managing Yourself Plus One
Engineers become poor managers because they prefer devoting their time and energies to technical matters rather than those items that deal with management issues. This is true of managing...

Managing Finances
Managing finances is becoming increasingly complex for the engineering manager. How the engineering manager assesses the impacts of an individual's attitude can have a pronounced...

Harmonizing Organizational and Personal Needs
A system is presented for result-oriented allocation of time, energy and resources between the three important forces controlling any manager's life: himself, his family and...

Quantifying Organization Goals in Project Planning
In this paper we develop and demonstrate the application of a goal programming model. It is designed to assist top management to incorporate the goals of an organization in allocating...

Competitive Strategies for Growth
A discussion is given on the approach of Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. to the question of specialization versus diversification in a consulting engineering firm. It was easy to opt...





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