A GIS-Based Interactive Decision Making Tool for Watershed Management
(No paper) BASINS?Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources, a geographical information system- (GIS-) based tool developed and released by the US EPA, provides...

Friction Factor Choice in Hydraulic Simulation Models: Does It Matter?
(no paper) To model water distribution systems using computer hydraulic simulation, a user is required to select a form of head loss-flow relationship for each pipe in the network. The...

Evaluation of Two-Species Model for Chlorine Decay and THM Formation under Rechlorination Conditions
(No paper) Typically, chlorine decay has been described by a first-order decay model. The first-order model, however, has two drawbacks: 1) the reactive species within the water is assumed...

Sensitivity of Stormwater Conveyance System Cost to Design Recurrence Interval
(No paper) The cost of a piped and/or swaled stormwater system is determined principally by the storm recurrence interval (e.g., 5-year design storm) used to design it. That is, the present...

A Leadtime Driven Flood Warning Response Plan Design
(No paper) The paper examines the optimal combination of predictive and detective capabilities in the development of the Wickenburg Flood Response Plan and extrapolates those findings...

Chaotic Slackwater: A Journey Into the Science of Chaos as a Means to Understanding the Parallels between How We Manage Our Organizations and Natural Ecosystems
(No paper) From the ice age to slackwater, the Columbia River continues to ebb and flow through our lives. This paper will explore the ebb and flow between natural and human ecosystems....

Title Transfer of U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Projects: Fact or Fiction
(No paper) The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) has constructed hundreds of water storage and delivery projects throughout the 17 western United States. These projects vary in...

Salinity Trends in the Amistad Reservoir of the Rio Grande
(No paper) The Rio Grande River is a vital resource to the hundreds of thousands of inhabitants of the Texas-Mexico border. Different sections of the river are experiencing trends of increasing...

Evaluating Alternatives for Capacity Expansion: Ensuring Reliable Water for the Portland, Oregon, Area
(No paper) The Portland Water Bureau is currently evaluating its water supply expansion alternatives. Like many water bureaus responsible for supplying water to both in-city customers...

Comparison of Complete Modeling/Simplified Modeling of Zaragoza City Water Supply Network
(No paper) Zaragoza is a Spanish city with 600.000 inhabitants and a water supply network of 900km long. The Council technical services uses a Microstation based GIS, GRED, for network...

Main Line Mending
Both the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC), of Laurel, Maryland, and the Providence Water Supply Board, of Rhode Island, are conducting massive, multimillion-dollar rehabilitation...

Relining a Relic
By the mid-1980s most of the Boston Low Service water supply network had been in operation for more than 100 years�with little regular maintenance. Many of the system's air...

Coastal Sediments
This proceedings, Coastal Sediments '99, contains over 181 papers delivered at the 4th International Symposium on Coastal Engineering...

A Safer Route
More than 42,000 people died in transportation-related incidents in 1997, making motor vehicle accidents the leading cause of death for individuals between age one and 34. Engineers are...

The Train to the Plane
Getting to New York's John F. Kennedy Airport is an urban nightmare. The Port Authority (PA) of New York and New Jersey, which operates the airport, has wrestled with proposals...

Towering Over Xiamen (Available in Structural Engineering Special Issue only)
Composite structural systems are rapidly becoming the preferred choice for high-rise buildings, due to their high strength and stiffness, large ductility, and convenient, economical construction....

Environmental Engineering '99
This proceedings, Environmental Engineering 1999, contains summaries of papers presented at the 1999 National Conference on Environmental Engineering...

Evaluation of the ISOGRID Retaining Wall System
Prepared by the Highway Innovative Technology Evaluation Center, a CERF service center. This report presents the results of a HITEC evaluation of the...

GIS Modules and Distributed Models of the Watershed
Prepared by the Task Committee on GIS Modules and Distributed Models of the Watershed of ASCE. This report guides professionals in selecting the mostadvantageous...

Tunneling under Trains
The Singapore deep tunnel sewerage system consists of a 90 km long tunnel network that will convey wastewater by gravity flow to two new secondary treatment plants being planned for the...





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