Trihalomethanes in Chlorinated Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Drinking Water Simulated with the EPA WTP-THM Model
Trihalomethane (THM) concentrations at a representative water treatment plant simulated with the EPA Water Treatment Plant THM (WTP-THM) model were used to assess potential drinking water...

Quantification of the Mechanisms Controlling the Removal Rate of Volatile Contaminants by Air Sparging
Air sparging is a technology for removing dissolved and volatile phase chemicals (VOCs) from the saturated zone. It is used in conjunction with soil vapor extraction (SVE) and sometimes...

In Situ Treatment of VOCs by Recirculation Technologies
Confronted with contaminated land from the world wars and the postwar industrialization period, German researchers and practicing professionals have worked to develop processes for effective...

Computing Two Dimensional Flood Propagation with a High Resolution Extension of McCormack's Method
McCormack's method, as applied for solving the bidimensional de Saint Venant equations is enhanced with the aid of the theory of Total Variation Diminishing (TVD) schemes in order to obtain...

A 2D numerical simulation of the Po river delta flow
A numerical simulation of the steady flow in the proximity of the delta of the Po river has been carried out. We consider the 2D quasi-hydrostatic model, approximating non conservation...

An Adaptive Nine-Point Finite Volume Roe Scheme for Two-Dimensional Saint-Venant Equations
The system of Saint Venant equations is considered numerically. A Roe approximate solver coupled to a nine-point finite volume spatial discretization is introduced at the same time as...

Plain flooding: near field and far field simulations
The paper deals with the problems met in the attempt of simulating the plain submersion produced by a levee breaking in the inertia dominated region (near field), scaling with the typical...

A New Set of Equations for Very Shallow Water and Partially Dry Areas Suitable to 2D Numerical Models
When a 2D model is used to compute the flood propagation over an initially dry area some difficulties arise due to the changes in the computational domain as large parts of it are flooded...

A Control Volume Finite Element Method for the Solution of 2-D Overland Flow Problems
This article introduces the Control Volume Finite Element Method (CVFEM) for the solution of 2-D overland flow problems. The CVFEM integrates the advantages of both Finite Element (FE)...

Two-Dimensional Dam-Break Flow Simulation in a Sudden Enlargement
The paper presents the use of a two-dimensional depth averaged mathematical model for an unsteady dam-break flow simulation in a sudden enlargement. Continuity and two momentum equations...

Two-Dimensional Modelling of Flow in the River Sava
On the river Sava near Ljubljana, a sports centre with a kayak racing channel was built in 1948. For the world championship in kayak-canoe racing in 1990 totally new racing channel had...

Flood Propagation on Mobile Beds under Mountainous Flow Conditions
An implicit finite-volume scheme is used to solve the shallow water equations under mountainous flow conditions. The algorithm is stable for sub- and supercritical flows and moving internal...

Reliability and Validity of Modeling Sedimentation and Debris Flow Hazards Over Initially Dry Areas
Extreme floods may inundate populated areas of a river valley that are normally dry. Two-dimensional flow analysis is a useful method for predicting the spatial and temporal behavior of...

A comparison between computed and measured bed evolution in a river bend
A shallow-water scheme with a movable bed has been employed in order to check the reliability of computations related to the bed evolution when a substantially three-dimensional phenomenon...

Measurement of Turbulent Properties in a Natural System
Instruments designed to measure flow properties in stratified estuaries, lakes and oceans are reviewed. Emphasis is given to the measurement of turbulent fluxes and recent developments...

A Computerized Open Channel Flow Measurement Device
This is a technical information paper with the intention of introducing a new product. It is not the intent of the author to use this as a marketing tool. However, it is the intent to...

Laboratory and Field Evaluation of Acoustic Velocity Meters
A project is currently underway to evaluate the performance of 27 acoustic flowmeters used at Hoover, Davis, and Parker Dams on the lower Colorado River. Field surveys and laboratory testing...

Mapping 2-D and 3-D Velocity Components in Circular Conduits Using an Electromagnetic Current Meter and a 5-Hole Pilot Probe
The techniques presented in this paper facilitate the visualization of the two-dimensional and three-dimensional flow fields at arbitrary sections in a conduit. They have been used to...

Velocity Measurements by the One-Orange Method
Application of the most sophisticated instrumentation - so called state-of-the-art equipment - is not always necessary nor even desirable for measurement of mean velocities in verticals,...

Experimental Design and Measurement Techniques for Investigation of Two-Phase Flow
Discussing the relevant hydraulical and inter-phasial processes of two-phase flow in open tanks the necessary requirements for set-up and operation of physical model studies are worked...





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