A Revised Snowstorm Maximization Method for Canadian Boreal Regions
A proposed refinement in the development of design snowpacks for use in the derivation of probable maximum floods (PMF) estimates in the Canadian Boreal is presented. Shortcomings in the...

A Probabilistic Approach to Estimate Design Parameters for Flood Control Projects
The purpose of this paper is to provide engineering consultants with an improved method to estimate design parameters for various return periods in rural areas. The proposed method combines...

A Physically Based Methodology for Regional Flood Frequency Analysis
The problem of flood frequency estimation in ungauged catchments is approached by using statistical procedures jointly with derived distribution techniques. The application of this methodology...

Muskingum Basin Reservoir Pool Frequency Analysis
The purpose of the study was to develop a consistent and defendable elevation frequency analysis of pool elevations for sixteen reservoirs within the basin. A significant level of interest...

Peak Frequency Curves for the Middle Rio Grande
To define peak flow frequency curves for ten sites in the highly controlled and regulated Middle Rio Grande, an approach which relates peak inflow and peak outflow from the reservoirs...

Additional Years of Record and Peak Discharge
The effect of additional years of stream gaging records is analyzed for stream gages in Nebraska. Frequency estimates are based on procedures outlined in Bulletin 17B, including skew coefficient...

Estimating Floodplain Limits for Complicated Hydrologic and Hydraulic Conditions
A new approach for estimating floodplain limits is shown. A hydraulic model with flood routing capabilities is coupled with a hydrologic model to compute river stages. Simulations are...

Dam-Break Study for Large Floodplain Area - A Case Study
In simulating a dam break flood in a large floodplain, the maximum flood level is sensitive to the off-channel storage volume used in the channel routing. An incorrect estimate of the...

Mathematical Models for Reservoir Routing Analysis
Various mathematical models exist for the analysis of reservoir flood routing problems. This paper compares recent Runge-Kutta and Euler numerical techniques with the well known Puls approach...

A Unified Approach to Flood Frequency Analysis
Most stochastic hydrologic studies are based on statistical distributions that are pre-selected without giving consideration to the applicability of the distribution to a particular data...

Estimating Exceedance Probabilities of Extreme Floods
Estimates of the exceedance probabilities of extreme floods are needed for risk analysis of dams and nuclear energy facilities. A new approach using a joint probability distribution of...

Hydrologic Regionalization Using a Homogeneity Test
A framework is presented for a regionalization method with a region of influence (ROI) approach. The methodology explicitly incorporates a homogeneity test in the process of selecting...

Probabilistic Calculation of Design Floods?SPEED
The probabilistic calculation of design floods was initiated in the 60s to overcome statistical calculation uncertainties. SPEED takes up and expands this original concept in the form...

Retrofitting a Detention Facility for Improved Quantity Control
Historically, detention facilities in the U.S. were first designed, constructed and operated for the single purpose of flood control. This led to a second phase, in which recreation and...

Reservoir Regulation and Real-Time Models for Trinity River Flood Prevention and Control
After unprecedented flooding from the Spring of 1989 through 1991 in the Trinity River basin, the Texas legislature allocated funds for flood related studies in Senate Bill 1543 (1991)....

Streamflow Forecasting for the Bradley Lake Project
The National Weather Service (NWS) uses a suite of software called NWS River Forecast System (NWSRFS) for operational river stage and streamflow forecasting. NWSRFS is a modular system...

A Method for Conducting Real Time Flood Forecast
In this paper, first, it explains about the real time flood forecast which must be conducted at rivers in Japan. Next, as a means to an end, it is proposing the utilization of runoff computation...

National Weather Service Operational River Forecasting in a UNIX Environment
The mission of the National Weather Service (NWS) includes providing river and flood forecasts and warnings for protection of life and property, and providing basic hydrologic forecast...

Real-Time Dynamic Flood Routing with NWS FLDWAV Model Using Kalman Filter Updating
Dynamic flood routing model based on the four-point implicit finite-difference solution of the complete one-dimensional Saint-Venant equations of unsteady flow are inherently deterministic....

A National System for Threshold Runoff Estimation
Threshold runoff is the amount of effective (or excess) rainfall of a given duration uniformly distributed over a certain catchment that is just enough to cause flooding at the outlet...





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