Simulation of Fracture Flow to the Kamaishi Validation Drift
The Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation (PNC) has developed an in-situ test facility in the Kamaishi Mine to resolve technical issues in disposal of radioactive wastes...

Review of International Near-Field Modelling for High-Level Waste Disposal
An international survey and review is being conducted on the latest developments in modelling of near-field performance, with particular emphasis on the conceptual and mathematical models...

AREST: The Next Generation
Simple mass transport models using constant boundary conditions at the waste form surface and at the host rock boundary do not always results in realistic predictions of the performance...

WAPPA Modeling of Post-Emplacement Performance of the AECL HLNW Package
Environment Canada (EC) is anticipating, in the near future, a review of the EIS document released by AECL which addresses the performance of their HLNW disposal concept. This paper presents...

Scenario Development for Performance Assessment?Some Questions for the Near-Field Modelers
In an attempt to achieve completeness and consistency, the performance-assessment analyses developed by the Yucca Mountain Project are tied to scenarios described in event trees. Development...

High-Level Radioactive Waste Transportation Operations and Routing Regulations: Friend or Foe?
The process of shipping high-level wastes and its equivalents is a highly-regulated endeavor. Safety requires consistency and rationality thereby giving way to Federal preemption in the...

Route Selection Issues for NWPA Shipments
Questions surrounding the designation of routes for the movement of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and high-level radioactive waste (HLW) by the Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management...

An Assessment of Loading Capabilities of OCRWM Burnup Credit Casks
A new generation of spent fuel shipping casks are being developed for the Department of Energy (DOE) in support of transportation system development activities for the Civilian Radioactive...

Significance of Campaigned Spent Fuel Shipments
Operational experience associated with spent fuel or irradiated hardware shipments to or from the General Electric Morris Facility is presented. The following specific areas are addressed:...

Mission Analysis of the Exploratory Studies Facility
The mission of the Exploratory Studies Facility (ESF), as interpreted from the Nuclear Waste Policy Act, can be stated succinctly as, conduct subsurface exploration and testing,...

Prioritization of ESF Testing and Integration with Design and Construction
The developmental strategy for underground site characterization testing in the Exploratory Studies Facility (ESF) of the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Program is outlined. The...

Control of Tracers, Fluids, and Materials for the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project
This paper describes use and control of tracers, fluids, and materials (TFM) at the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project. Management of TFM is necessary to ensure that site characterization...

Using QA Classification to Guide Design and Manage Risk
Raytheon Services Nevada has developed a classification process based on probabilistic risk assessment, using accident/impact scenarios for each system classified. Initial classification...

Drift Emplaced Waste Package Thermal Response
Thermal calculations of the effects of radioactive waste decay heat on the potential repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, have been conducted by the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization...

Operational Considerations in Drift Emplacement of Waste Packages
This paper discusses the operational considerations as well as the advantages and disadvantages of emplacing waste packages in drifts in a repository. The considerations apply particularly...

Robust Waste Package Concept (Multibarrier)
The design of the high level-waste package reflects the needs of the repository design and site conditions. As the program moves into the Advanced Conceptual Design (ACD) phase, different...

Post-Test Evaluations of Waste Isolation Pilot Plant?Savannah River Simulated Defense HLW Canisters and Waste Form
Eighteen nonradioactive defense high-level waste (DHLW) canisters were emplaced in and subjected to accelerated overtest thermal conditions for about three years at the bedded salt Waste...

Waste Packager and Areal Power Density Approximator (WPA3) Computer Code
A microcomputer-based computer code called Waste Packager and Areal Power Density (APD) Approximator (WPA3) has been developed to compute waste package inventories and track individual...

Modeling of Strongly Heat-Driven Flow Processes at a Potential High-Level Nuclear Waste Repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Two complementary numerical models for analyzing high-level nuclear waste emplacement at Yucca Mountain have been developed. A vertical cross-sectional (X-Z) model permits a realistic...

An Assessment of Coupled Thermal-Hydrologic-Mechanical-Chemical Processes
A literature review was conducted to determine the state of knowledge available in the modeling of coupled thermal (T), hydrologic (H), mechanical (M), and chemical (C) processes relevant...





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