Masonry as a Structural Material
Four case studies are presented which illustrate the use of masonry as a structural material. Results of laboratory studies for unreinforced piers subjected to in-plane lateral forces,...

Ocean Energy Recovery
the State of the Art
This book, Ocean Energy Recovery: The State of the Art, establishes the state of the art in the full range of renewable energy technologies....

A Mechanistic Approach to Pavement Design for Nome Airport
The analysis of performance and design of the pavement structure for the North-South runway at Nome Airport is based on the mechanistic approach. In the mechanistic approach, calculated...

Wind Power in Antarctica?Case Histories of the North Wind HR3 Wind Turbine
The combination of extreme weather conditons and remoteness of the Antarctic sites makes them even better suited for wind turbine installations since the alternative power sources are...

Valuing Residual Emissions in Electricity Planning
Incorporating the valuation of residual emissions into calculations of social cost permits comparisons among alternative sources of electricity generation inclusive of environmental impacts....

Precipitator Retrofit and Repair: A Case Study
Described is a difficult fossil power station retrofit project performed on a tight schedule at a congested site. Installation of a new supplementary precipitator and structural repairs...

Retrofitting Existing Fossil Plant Facilities
This paper summarizes the contents of and provides some insight into the usefulness a structural engineer will get from the publication 'Retrofitting Existing Fossil Plant...

Exploring CO2 Emissions Reduction Strategies
Concern for potential climate change resulting from the greenhouse effect may be the biggest factor in energy planning in the 1990s. A 20% reduction in CO2,...

Electric Utility Planning for Greenhouse Concerns
International concerns for the potential of significant climate change resulting from the greenhouse phenomenon have focused increasing attention on the emissions of carbon dioxide and...

Improved Corrosion Protection for Flue Gas Systems Utilizing a Dual Liner Concept
A unique system of corrosion resistant materials has shown excellent performance and durability in flue gas systems for fossil plants, cogeneration plants, waste incinerators and waste-to-energy...

Design, Permitting and Initial Operation of a 32 Mw Agricultural Waste Fired Power Plant
Independent power producers are playing an increasingly important role in satisfying the electric power requirements of public utilities. Many of the independent power producers rely heavily...

The Low Temperature Engine System?Status Report
Computer simulations have shown the Low-Temperature Engine System (LTES), a breakthrough in application of long-established thermodynamic principles, to offer double digit power output...

The Future of Non-Utility Generation
The business of designing, constructing and operating non-utility owned electric power plants continues to evolve into the 1990s. The industry is consolidating as smaller market participants...

Screening Emissions Control Measures
Under the new Clean Air Act, electric utilities will be able to choose from a wider range of sulfur dioxide emissions control options than in the past. Among the newly available measures...

Automation of Union Electric's Hydro-Power Plants
Union Electric Company is spending twelve million dollars on Electronic Control and Monitoring equipment at two of their hydro-electric plants (a total of twenty-seven generating units)...

Nuclear Plant License Renewal: Benefits, Feasibility, and Process
The future of power plants in the U.S. is of growing concern. The need for competitively priced and economically safe plants is a must. The reluctance of the utility industry to produce...

Innovative Aspects of the DQE/GPU Project
The DQE-GPU joint project is an endeavor at supplying electricity to its customers in an economically competative way. The project cosists of using existing power stations in the Three...

The Growing Meet Market
The Delaware cities of Dover and Wilmington are only 5 mi apart. Their combined populations barely exceed 100,000. Yet each city is planning to build a new convention center to corner...

Approximate Preliminary Methods for Design of Lateral Load Resisting Systems in High Rise Buildings
A new group of optimization programs uses the speed and power of modern computers to eliminate the need for guessing preliminary sizes. Starting with any arbitrary sizes and a fixed geometry,...

Multiple Event Considerations for Postclosure Seismic Hazard Evaluations at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Postclosure waste canister design requirements suggest the values used for seismic design have less than a 10% chance of being exceeded in a 1,000 year postclosure period. Considerably...





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