Lunar Oxygen Production - A Maturing Technology
Research on oxygen production from lunar rock and soil has made significant progress in the past two years. An extensive series of experiments on natural and synthetic analogs has concentrated...

Oxygen Generation from Synthetic Moon Soil Using a Plasma Reactor
A series of experiments were performed to evaluate the potential for generating oxygen from silica powder, alumina powder and a synthetic moon soil powder. A non-transferred arc plasma...

Lunar Oxygen Production in a Hydrogen Cold Plasma
This paper examines the concept of oxygen production from unbeneficiated lunar regolith using a non-equilibrium or 'cold' hydrogen plasma. An experimental investigation has indicated that...

Carbon Formation Theory for Space Oxygen Processes
Production of oxygen from the Martian atmosphere or lunar soil and the recovery of oxygen in manned space environments may include carbon formation from CO as a unit process. Thermodynamic...

Oxygen from Lunar Soil via Fluorination
This paper considers oxygen extraction from lunar soil via fluorination, for reasons of its high effectivity of oxygen release from most silicates. In addition to theoretical investigations,...

Sintering Bricks on the Moon
Sintering of full-scale 'bricks' from lunar soil simulant materials can be accomplished by radiant heating to 1100?C for approximately 2 hours, followed by slow cooling. Small-scale precompaction...

Efficient Path Planning Strategies for Unmanned Rover Vehicles
Path planning strategies are studied using an optimization model. Four main sub-models are discussed that contribute to the computing of minimum energy vehicle path planning. These are:...

A Minimum Mars Mission Approach
The purpose of this paper is to identify the mission architecture required to perform a human exploration mission to Mars using a minimum amount of resources. This mission will send three...

Onboard Image Processing With Transputers
A transputer based onboard computer for planetary vehicles is being designed in the KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics (RMKI), Budapest, Hungary. In this paper we...

Fiber Optic Chemical Sensors on Mars
A fiber optic chemical sensing instrument is described that will measure the reactivity of the martian soil and atmosphere. The self-contained instrument monitors reflectivity changes...

Transfer Vehicle Sizing for Missions to Mars
The purpose of this study is to analyze the interactions between mission and vehicle design parameters, and determine how the selection of a particular trajectory and transit time affects...

The Lunar Ultraviolet Telescope Experiment (LUTE)
The Lunar Ultraviolet Telescope Experiment (LITE) is a feasible scientific payload which could initiate a unique ultraviolet (UV) sky survey from the lunar surface prior to our manned...

Space Commercialization: Problems of Law and Policy
This paper focuses on executive and legislative efforts to promote the growth of commercial space industries in the United States. After a discussion of the current, situation and efforts...

Puerto Rico Privatizes the Roads
The opening of Puerto Rico's Teodoro Moscoso Bridge in San Juan early in 1994 will usher in a new era of privately financed toll roads. The first product of the 1989 Private...

Nonlinear Collapse of Offshore Jacket Structures
The Joint Industry Tubular Frames Project was established with ten oil industry sponsors to investigate the reserve and residual strength of frames typical of offshore structures. To date...

Concrete Buildings in Regions of High Seismicity
Structural systems for multistory concrete buildings in regions of high seismicity are reviewed. The suitability and certain practical aspects of the systems are discussed. A Uniform Building...

Behavior of Foundations Subjected to Large Ground Movements
The behavior of twelve linear test foundations above an advancing longwall coal mine panel was observed. Three phases of deformation were observed in the centerline foundations: tension,...

Dynamics of Nuclear Power Plant Structures with Foundation Interaction
This paper presents analyses and conclusions pertaining to a recorded earthquake motion felt at a nuclear power plant. The objective is to obtain frequency composition, assess damage potential,...

Physical Model Tests of Dolos Impact Stresses
An on-going experimental study to determine impact stresses and static nesting stresses in instrumented large scale model dolosse is described in this paper. Seven dolosse were instrumented...

Seismic Analysis of Bridges: Simplified or Refined Approach
This paper discusses the differences of seismic responses of bridges among various analysis methods and approaches....





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