Timing Analysis of a Multiprocessor Architecture for Active Control
This paper describes how real-time multiprocessor systems, such as those required for active structural control, can be developed to satisfy timing requirements on hardware and software....

Computer-Aided Structural Engineering Software: The Status of Concurrent Engineering
Concurrent engineering encompasses computer-aided engineering (CAE), multidisciplinary CAE (MCAE), computer-aided design and drafting (CADD), computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), computer...

Application of Computer-Aided Structural Engineering
From as early as 1988, the Civil/Structural Group of Bechtel Corp.'s Houston Regional Office has viewed its automated production tools as components of a production system. Intergraph's...

Checking of CAD Drawings for Fabrication Issues
Communication between the fabricator and engineer is crucial to the production of an economical, safe, and functional steel structure. However, the transfer of information between involved...

Steel Detailing Neutral File from Modeling Software
Today's generation of computer graphics applications used for the purposes of modeling industrial structures can now transmit engineering electronic data to other downstream functions....

SQP Methods for Inverse Airfoil Design
We consider inverse design problems of systems governed by suitable discretizations of a boundary value problem (BVP). We present and examine a Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) method...

Computing in Analysis and Design in Structural Engineering Education, Practice and Registration - A Rationale for Dialogue
Structural analysis and design are increasingly being taught using personal computers, workstations or mainframe computers at the universities. The structural engineering designs in small...

Computing in Analysis and Design in Structural Engineering - An Educator's Point of View
The use of the computer in structural engineering education is discussed. It is emphasized that the students must have an understanding of both the analysis process and the behavior of...

Computing and Design in Structural Engineering A Practicing Engineer's Point of View
The development of the electronic computational power of the computer has been a boon to the structural engineering profession. The resulting increases in the speed and efficiency of the...

Computing in Analysis and Design in Structural Engineering Education, Practice and Registration: A View from the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying
When taking the examinations for licensure as professional engineers, computers are not allowed. The knowledge tested on the Structural Engineering examinations are discussed with a sample...

Nowcast System Development for the Straits of Florida
As part of the inaugural program for the Ocean Pollution Research Center at the University of Miami, a nowcast system is being developed for the Straits of Florida. The nowcast system...

Effects of Flocculation on Particle Transport
On the basis of previous experimental and theoretical work on flocculation rates and the settling speeds of flocs, an accurate and computationally efficient model of the aggregation and...

The Formation of a Turbidity Maximum in an Estuary
In the present study, a numerical model is used to investigate the transport of sediments in a stratified estuary. The model includes sediment resuspension and deposition as well as three-dimensional,...

Numerical Simulations of the CCS under the Joint Effects of Coastal Geometry and Surface Forcing
Using the S-Coordinate Rutgers University Model (SCRUM) of Song and Haidvogel(1993), a coupled coastal (86 m depth) and deep ocean (4600 m depth) California Coastal region has been investigated...

Validation of a Continental-Scale Storm Surge Model for the Coast of Delaware
Coastal structures are designed to provide protection against various forces of nature acting in the coastal zone. Structures such as seawalls are expected to provide onshore protection...

Observations Related to the Use of the Sigma Coordinate Transformation for Estuarine and Coastal Modeling Studies
One of the common techniques used in application of time-dependent, three-dimensional models addressing estuarine and coastal environmental problems is the sigma coordinate transformation....

Solutions of Primitive Equations for Three-dimensional Tidal Circulation
Readily available computing resources and new numerical methods have made it possible to reproduce detailed three-dimensional tidal circulation with very fine spatial resolution, and covering...

Analyzing Larval Fish Distributions Using Hydrodynamic and Transport Modelling
Port Moller is a major spawning ground for Pacific herring. Coincident with extensive larval sampling in the estuary, data required for simulating three-dimensional hydrodynamics and transport...

New Technology in Coastal Wave Monitoring
The Coastal Data Informational Program (CDIP) is an extensive network for monitoring waves along the Pacific coastlines of the US. The system has evolved substantially since its inception...

Coastal Engineering Data Retrieval System (CEDRS)
The Coastal Engineering Data Retrieval System (CEDRS) is a menu driven microcomputer resident database which provides both hindcast and measured wind and wave data for use in the field...





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