Rehabilitation of a High Specific Speed Francis Turbine
An upgrade of two (2) 4. 06 meter diameter high specific speed Francis turbines is now in progress. These machines were originally installed by Allis-Chalmers in the 1920's...

Racine?5 Years of Successful Operating Experience with the World's Largest Bulb Turbines
In September 1982 two bulb turbine generating sets with a runner diameter of 7700 mm and a generator rating of 25 MVA were put into commercial operation at the Racine dam on the Ohio river....

Computer Aided Design of Butterfly Inlet Valves
Computer simulation of butterfly inlet valves (throughflow, lattice) in hydropower schemes is presented. The software is intended for practisting engineers to obtain significant parameters...

Competitive Model Testing for Replacement Runners at the Wells Hydroelectric Project
The Wells Hydroelectric Project, located on the Columbia River, contains ten Kaplan-type turbines, each rated at 123,000 HP (91,720 kW) at a net head of 64. 9 ft. (19. 8m). The plant has...

Experimental Investigation of the Cross Flow Turbine
A laboratory model of the Cross Flow Turbine was investigated in the Hydraulics laboratory of Colorado State University. Because of the successful use of this turbine in the developing...

An Integrated Site Controller-Network Monitoring System for Small Scale Hydroelectric Sites
Over the past decade more and more small scale hydroelectric power developers have faced the question of the economic feasibility of installing microprocessor based control systems for...

Structural Analysis and Parallel Computers
This paper discusses the implementation of a parallel program that performs a two dimensional rigid frame analysis on a NCUBE/7 hypercube multicomputer. The program was written in C and...

Finite Strip Method in a Parallel Computing Environment
The finite strip method has been used to model many systems in structural mechanics. The orthogonality of appropriately selected shape functions allows a continuous system to be effectively...

Regulatory and Environmental Issues of the Chisman Creek Superfund Site
This paper discusses the regulatory and environmental issues arising from the response to the Record of Decision (ROD) for the Chisman Creek Superfund Site in York County, Virginia. Field...

A Stochastic Model for Low-Cycle Elastic-Plastic Fatigue Crack Growth
In this paper a stochastic process approach is considered to represent the random nature of the low-cycle (elastic-plastic) fatigue crack growth process. A semi-Markov renewal model is...

Recent Thoughts on Probabilistic Fatigue Crack Growth
We briefly review recent results of analysis of fatigue crack growth data. Implications of this analysis are presented, and reasons are advanced in favor of increasing the dimension of...

Modeling Fatigue Crack Growth Resistance, dN/da
In the fracture mechanics approach to fatigue, da/dN is correlated with the cyclic range of the stress intensity factor, ?K; the resulting relation, da/dN=f (?K), is commonly called the...

Stochastic Modeling of Fatigue Crack Growth
A new lognormal fatigue crack propagation model has been presented in which a two-dimensional state vector has been employed to introduce experimentally observed history dependence of...

Markov Chains & Soil Constitutive Modeling
The focus of this research effort is the construction of a mathematical framework to assist in understanding the role of uncertainties in the constitutive/dynamic behavior of soils. The...

A Statistical Model for Predicting Fatigue Life of Graphite/Epoxy Laminates
A failure stiffness criterion and a residual stiffness degradation model are proposed from which the statistical distribution of the fatigue life of composite laminates is derived. Experiments...

A Probabilistic 3-D Short-Term Slope Stability Model
A probabilistic model to analyze the three-dimensional stability of earth slopes under short-term conditions is presented. An actual failure case is studied to show the implementation...

Lifetime Reliability of Wood Structural Systems
A model to predict ultimate capacity reliability of wood systems is developed. The model is analogous to Markov cumulative damage models. System ultimate capacity is defined as failure...

Multicriterion Reliability-Based Optimization of Structural Systems
The optimization of nondeterministic structural systems under random loads is currently performed by single-criterion reliability-based optimization methods. However, in structural design...

Random Vibration of a Discrete-Distributed System
The stationary response of an arbitrarily complex, classically damped discrete-distributed system subjected to stationary Gaussian white noise is derived. For certain excitations, the...

Autoregressive Model of Spatially Propagating Earthquake Ground Motion
An autoregressive random process model was used to investigate a simulation method of spatially and temporally variative ground motion when characteristics of motion are prescribed by...





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