Sediment Deposition in the Navigation Approach Channel of Three Gorges Project
In this paper, a comparison is made between the problems of sediment deposition in the navigation approach channel of Gezhouba and Three Gorges Project. The investigation shows that the...
On Silt Abrasion Erosion of Three Gorges Hydraulic Turbine in the Future
In this paper the basic parameters of Three Gorges hydraulic turbine have been reviewed and the operation characteristics of Three Gorges hydropower Station pointed out. Combined with...
The Influence of Peak-Regulation of the Three Gorges Power Plant on Navigation
The paper studies the unsteady flow resulted from peak-regulation by daily regulation at both Three Gorges and Gezhouba Power Plants and concludes that the river section between the dam...
Capillary Pressure-Saturation Relationships in Fracture
Understanding and quantifying unsaturated flow through fractures in rocky slope is important for design and construction of drainage system in large-scale hydraulic engineering. The data...
An Economy and Risk Analysis of Installed Capacity Expansion at the Three Gorges Power Plant
This paper studies the possibility and economy of peak-regulation operation during flood period at the Three Gorges reservoir, which will at the same time satisfy the requirements for...
Observations of Tidal Circulation in Mamala Bay, Hawaii
A comprehensive measurement program, designed to study circulation processes and support hydrodynamic modeling, has been carried out in Mamala Bay on the south coast of the Island of Oahu,...
Comparison of Near-Field Dilutions Derived from In Situ Measurements and Simulated Dilutions at the Sand Island Sewage Outfall Plume, HI
Near-field dilutions of the Sand Island Treatment Plant (SITP) wastewater plume were derived from salinity measurements made at the sewage outfall between Sept. 25?Oct. 1, 1994, a period...
Near Field Modeling
Results of near field modeling of the wastefield formed by the Sand Island, Honolulu, ocean sewage outfall are presented. Over 20,000 simulations were run with the mathematical model RSB...
Groundwater Recharge with Reclaimed Water Another Step Closer to Potable Reuse
California.s water supply is becoming increasingly unreliable, and investments to make water more reliable must be seriously investigated. In this arid region of Southern California, reclaimed...
Irrigation of Grain Sorghum on the Delmarva Peninsula
Irrigated grain sorghum experiments were conducted for two years on a Norfolk sandy loam soil. Full irrigation was compared to partial irrigation and no irrigation in a randomized block...
Karst Water Inventories Using Thermography
An airborne thermal camera was used to locate springs, swallets, and caves in a karst watershed. The detector was an imaging infrared camera with a temperature sensitivity of approximately...
Assessment of Risks of Flooding by Use of a Two-Dimensional Model
In case of rare floods, the rivers might go far away from their minor bed, submerging large areas, eventually with relatively high velocities. One-dimensional models are not suitable to...
Water and Sanitation Intervention in Flood Mitigation Programs
Disasters, like floods and cyclones, are almost annual events in Bangladesh. Often post-disaster epidemics of diarrhoeal diseases cause more short- and long-term health problems than injuries...
Flood Risk Management: New Concepts for an Objective Negotiation
It has been tested in a real situation like the Bourbre catch ment, a Rhone tributary in the Isere department, not far from Lyon (France). This catchment is 700 km large, the river is...
Estimating Sediment Conveyance Capacity and Deposition Potential in Culverts
In watersheds characterized by high sediment production, culverts must be designed to adequately convey both water and sediment without causing excessive backwater upstream of the culvert...
Scour at Culvert Outlets: Considerations Present and Future
One of the major considerations in the design and rehabilitation of the national transportation system is the conveyance of tributary drainage through constructed embankments. As drainage...
Scour Protection in Bottomless Culverts
This paper will describe the relative severity of scour anticipated to occur at bottomless culverts and will provide some design guidance for scour protection based on research referenced...
Designing Concrete Culverts to Resist Scour Damage
Concrete culverts have been used for over 100 years. In this period, the main design concern centered on structural and hydraulic adequacy of the culvert. Scour is a relatively recent...
Acquisition and Restoration of a Drainage District in the Snohomish River Valley
The purpose of this paper is to present an overview of the efforts by Snohomish County to acquire a drainage district (Drainage District 6) in the lower Snohomish River valley and restore...
The Use of Hydrologic Budget Techniques in Assessing Site Suitability for Wetland Creation
This paper discusses the general concepts and benefits of using of hydrologic budget techniques to describe the typical hydrologic conditions that might be expected at prospective site...
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