Terrain Conductivity to Define Groundwater Pollution
Electromagnetic terrain conductivity surveys were conducted at four animal waste lagoon sites in South Carolina in an effort to delineate groundwater contamination from animal waste lagoon...

Agricultural Chemicals in Illinois' Rural Private Wells
A statewide sampling program was undertaken to define the extent of agricultural chemicals in rural, private drinking water wells in Illinois. A stratified random approach was taken for...

Survey of Rural, Private Wells: Statistical Design
Half of Illinois' 38 million acres were planted in corn and soybeans in 1988. On the 19 million acres planted in corn and soybeans, approximately 1 million tons of nitrogen...

Uncertainty in Climate Change and Drought
A series of projections of climate change were applied to a watershed model of the Delaware River basin to identify sources of uncertainty in predicting effects of climate change on drought...

Potential Effects of Global Climate Change on the Central and Southern Florida Project
The possible impacts of some potential climate change effects such as sea level rise, changes in tropical cyclone intensity and frequency, and changes in precipitation and temperature...

Tidal Flooding Analysis, San Francisco Bay
Many leveed areas adjacent to San Francisco Bay are potentially subject to tidal flooding. In response to this concern, Congress authorized the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to conduct...

Winds, and Their Effects on Tides, in San Francisco Bay
Many leveed areas adjacent to San Francisco Bay are potentially subject to tidal flooding. In response to this concern, Congress authorized the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to conduct...

Application of Stable Channel Design Method
Systematic stable channel design methods are currently being developed by the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station for use in the planning stages of local flood control projects....

Bed Load Roughness in Supercritical Flow
A supercritical concrete channel is proposed for Mission Creek located in Santa Barbara County, California. The proposed channel may transport gravels and cobbles as bed load during large...

Relationship Between Scour Depth and Bend Radius of Curvature on the Red River
Studies of bank and bend processes were undertaken on the Red River between Index, Arkansas and Shreveport, Louisiana in connection with the navigation project on the river downstream...

Riprap Design Criteria for the ARS Low Drop Structure
The ARS low drop grade control structure has proven to be an effective means to stabilize incised channels in Mississippi. However, field inspections and laboratory testing have indicated...

Wind Generated Wave Resuspension of Sediment in Old Tampa Bay, Florida
Vertical profiles of velocity and suspended-solids concentration were measured at a scientific instrumentation platform in Old Tampa Bay during the passage of a cold front in March 1990....

New Lessons About the Hydraulic Performance of Highway Storm Sewer Inlets
Laboratory experiments were performed with highway storm water curb inlets to 1) reduce the oblique standing wave that extends into the highway from the downstream side of the inlet and...

Overtopping Flow Spillway for Baldhill Dam, Sheyenne River, North Dakota
An existing gated spillway structure for Baldhill Dam and Reservoir (Lake Ashtabula, North Dakota) is not capable of passing floods up to the probable maximum flood (PMF) without overtopping...

Overtopping Protection for A. R. Bowman Dam
Arthur R. Bowman Dam is a 245-foot-high (74.7-m) central-core rockfill dam located on the Crooked River in central Oregon. The probable maximum flood (PMF) would overtop the dam by 20...

Design of Groins on the Middle Rio Grande
The Albuquerque Projects Office of the Bureau of Reclamation wanted to use groins in place of revetments at two sites on the Rio Grande. The Bureau of Reclamation has limited experience...

Submerged Vane Projects for Bank Stabilization and Sedimentation Management
Submerged vanes are small flow training devices placed in a stream to eliminate or create secondary currents to direct sediment in a controlled fashion. In recent years submerged vanes...

Hatchie River and Schoharie Creek Bridge Failures
Within a 2-year period two large bridges collapsed into flooded rivers resulting in a total of 18 people plunging to their deaths. Both bridges had been inspected by probing, but had not...

Bridge Scour Vulnerability Assessment
Although the failure of the New York Throughway bridge over Schoharie Creek in 1987 has focused national attention on scour related failures, other failures reinforce the need for implementing...

Model Tests for the Evaluation of Auto-Venting Hydroturbines
The most significant environmental problem for many hydroelectric facilities is the water quality of turbine discharges. The primary water quality problem is often low dissolved oxygen...





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