Managing Cultural Diversity in Orbital Habitats
This paper presents the background, outline, and initial findings of an international project on 'Managing Cultural Diversity in Orbital Habitats'. The purpose...

Artificial Gravity Research Facility Options
On a long duration manned mission to Mars, the physiological changes caused by microgravity may be counteracted by artificial gravity. This paper evaluates several different classes of...

Variable Gravity Research Facility: A Concept
One of the most exciting missions NASA is currently studying is a human mission to Mars. Mission scenarios range from 20 day surface expeditions to permanent human bases on the martian...

Artificial Gravity: Human Factors Design Requirements
A major challenge of manned spaceflight is to assure the health, well-being and performance of the space inhabitants. As man ventures beyond Earth's orbit to settle the Moon,...

Partial Gravity: Human Impacts on Facility Design
Partial gravity affects the body differently than earth gravity and microgravity environments. The main difference from earth gravity is human locomotion; while the main difference from...

Hedratecture and Artificial Gravity
There is a need, according to the National Commission On Space, to develop three critical space facilities: A Space Base, A Variable-Gravity Research Facility, and a Lunar Surface Outpost....

Working on the Moon: The Apollo Experience
Work experience gained during the Apollo missions suggests that lunar base productivity can be enhanced through careful attention to suit design, repair capabilities, equipment design...

A Language Model for Space Construction Control
The optimal construction system for many space construction projects is a mixed construction ensemble. Such an ensemble consists of humans, robots with varying degrees of teleoperation...

Planning Model for Sewer System Rehabilitation
A probabilistic model is developed to simulate long-term variation in the structural condition of wastewater collection systems. The effects of both deterioration and rehabilitation can...

Probabilistic Basis for Managing Maintenance
The paper discusses a procedure based on component failure probabilities, consequences of failure, and risk associated with loss of system. Aging effect of structures and equipment on...

Models for Optimal Maintenance of Hydraulic Structures
Corrective maintenance includes the unscheduled repairs required to return a structure from a failed state to an operating or available state. Corrective maintenance is determined by the...

Reliability Estimation for Vertical Lift Gate at Emsworth Dam
The lift gates are composed of two horizontal trusses, two vertical girders, seven diaphragms, and two end frames. A critical element in the structural integrity of the lift gate is a...

Economic Assessment of Infrastructural Development for the Gurara River in Nigeria
Based on the preliminary designs of the hydraulic structures for the proposed Gurara river water development project in Nigeria, an economic feasibility analysis is presented. The cost...

The Spirit of Bandera?An Experiment in Inter-Agency Team-Building
An experiment to improve intergovernmental cooperation in water resources planning and management was initiated by the Southwestern Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, in 1988 at Bandera,...

Restoration of a Buttress Dam
Inspections of Morris Shepard Dam on the Brazos River in Texas revealed serious defects in the dam and its foundation. Piezometric pressures below the spillway buttresses greatly exceeded...

Considerations for a Multiple-Use Stormwater Detention Facility
A 60-year-old neighborhood provides the unusual setting for the City of Tulsa's Turner Park-Will Rogers High School Stormwater Detention Facility. The 20-acre site is located...

Spills: The Human-Machine Interface State of Our Knowledge
The International Joint Commission on the Great Lakes has entered into agreements on Great Lakes water quality. Many of the 3000 significant spills that occur in the Great Lakes Basin...

Human Error: A Major Cause of Spills
Accidental spills and releases of toxic and hazardous releases is a much greater problem than realized. While data reporting systems do noe adequately account for human error as a causal...

Tri-County Based Travel Demand Forecasting Analyses in the Tampa Bay Area, State of Florida
This paper describes the application of the micro-computer compatible Florida Standard Urban Transportation Modeling Structure (Micro-FSUTMS) to estimate traffic volume for the purpose...

A Comparative Analysis of Microcomputer and Mainframe Computer Based Modeling Systems
This paper presents a comparative analyses of the Microcomputer Compatible Florida Standard Urban Transportation Modeling Structure (Micro-FSUTMS) performance with its UTPS mainframe computer-based...





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