Computer Aided Drafting in the Water Resources Environment
The movement from traditional mechanical drafting to computer aided drafting in the small consulting business/research environment while necessary from the viewpoint of productivity and...

Interactive simulation of Water Resource Systems
This paper outlines some of the research currently underway at Cornell aimed at the design of an interactive simulation methododology. It describes the general approach to simulation modeling,...

Submerged Vanes for Sediment Control in Rivers
A procedure is developed for a rational design of a system of submerged vanes for depth control in alluvial-river channels. The vanes are vertical, small-aspect ratio foils installed on...

Highway Infrastructure
Opportunities for Innovation
Our national commitment to financing the rebuilding of America's highway intrastructure represents a very expensive, long term investment. The challenge facing highway engineers...

Construction of Roller-Compacted Concrete Pavement
Roller-compacted concrete pavement (RCCP) is the product of a relatively new concrete paving technology in which a zero-slump portland cement concrete mixture is spread with modified asphalt...

The Past, Present & Future of Earthmoving Scrapers
This paper is a summary of the history and development and use of earthmoving scrapers. It will also take a look at the future of this type of machine. We'll build the discussion...

Earthwork and Resource Estimation on Large Expedient Projects
A computer-aided technique is being developed for planning, design, estimating, and scheduling of horizontal construction for facilities required to support military operations. This technique...

Alterations to Old Wood Building
In order to accommodate a new use, a request was made to remove bearing walls supporting the roof of a 42 year-old building and substitute timber posts. The existing nine-foot ceiling...

Techniques for Estimating Earthquake Probable Loss for Buildings and Contents
The probable maximum loss (PML) is useful for quantifing the seismic risk exposure of a facility and for rational decision making regarding earthquake insurance and seismic strengthening...

Supercomputers and their Impact on Civil Engineering
The increasing complexity of today's civil engineering applications requires increasing detail and analyses with associated increased demands on computer resources. At the...

Lessons Learned from Design, Construction, and Performance of Hydraulic Structures
The intent of this publication is to provide lessons learned, both positive and negative, from activities associated with design, construction, and performance of hydraulic structures....

Probabilistic Limit States Design of Moment-Resistant Frames Under Seismic Loading
This paper focuses on the development of a methodology for the optimal probabilistic limit states design of seismic-resistant steel frames. A mechanism for allowing the designer to include...

Some Applications of Fourier Series in Structural Optimization
This paper discusses the application of the method of truncated Fourier series to problems of structural optimization. It begins with a discussion of the range of the method which has...

An Integrated Approach to Structure and Control Design of Space Structures
In this paper the authors have investigated the effect of passive damping on the optimum structural design with active controls. The minimum weight design is obtained by imposing the constraints...

Optimum Seismic Structural Design with Tendon and Mass Damper Controls and Random Process
This paper describes the optimization of structural weight for seismic structures implemented by active control systems. The instantaneous open-loop optimal control algorithm is used for...

Structural Optimization Under Conditions of Uncertainty, with Reference to Serviceability and Ultimate Limit States
Probability concepts and methods are rapidly gaining ground in the search for more rational approaches to structural optimization. Under conditions of uncertainty, the risk of unfavorable...

Reliability Constraint on Optimum Design
The purpose of the paper is to emphasize the importance of the probability concern on optimum design work. The probability of failure of the structure can be considered as one of the optimum...

Optimization for Overall Stability
This paper synthesizes design of trusses for linear stability constraint as an optimization problem where linear stability is defined as a generalized eigenvalue problem and presents a...

Seismic Design of Braced Steel Frames
Seismic behavior of a six-story, K-braced structure without backup ductile moment-resisting frames designed according to the current Uniform Building Code is studied in this paper. The...

Bidirectional Seismic Response of Simple Structures
For design purposes it has been common to consider that seismic excitations act in one direction at a time. Analytical studies over the past decade have indicated that this may not be...





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