Economic Costs to the State Water Project of Environmental Protection and Mitigation Measures
The State Water Project stores water in the Sierra Nevada for subsequent diversion from the Bay and Delta for use by millions of Californians. Project construction and operation have caused...

Designing Self-Cleaning Wet Wells for Wastewater Pumping
Guidelines for the design of self-cleaning wet wells for variable speed pumps are given. The progress of research on the design of wet wells for constant speed pumps, including submersible...

Nonlinear Flow in Embankments
For a large number of water resources projects, the Dupuit-Forchheimer (D-F) assumption is considered a viable design criterion and, consequently, Darcy law is used to determine the locus...

Reducing the Potential Downstream Impacts of a Dam Failure
The dam safety regulations imposed by the individual states in the United States vary widely and provide inconsistent protection for the citizens of different states. The proximity of...

Dune Profiles Before and After Storm Events in Coastal Massachusetts
It is well known that short-term changes in dune profiles can have a major effect on the severity of storm damage to coastal areas. In light of this, the standardized methodology developed...

Development of San Gorgonio Pass Groundwater Flow Model I. Model Calibration
A groundwater flow model is being developed for use in management of a planned groundwater storage and recovery program for the Beaumont Storage Unit of the San Gorgonio Pass groundwater...

Variability of Hydraulic Response of Constructed Wetlands
Dye tracer studies using Rhodamine WT have been performed on two field scale subsurface flow wetland units for further improvement of secondary treated municipal effluent at Byron Bay...

Multi-Disciplinary Strategies for Flood-Plain Restoration at the River Rhine
Within the scope of a multi-disciplinary concept, aims and measures of ecological and water resources management at the river Rhine in Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany) are analyzed. Especially,...

Development Strategies for Botswana's Okavango Delta
This paper contrasts two different development strategies for the Okavango Delta - the Government of Botswana's Southern Okavango Integrated Water Development Project and an IUCN-proposed...

Wetland Management in Britain: A Comparative Approach
Wetland management in the United Kingdom is in an early stage of development. The importation of management aims and techniques from other countries with more advanced programmes is an...

Application of Four Point Model to the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
Four Point (Delong et al. 1993) is a finite-difference, one-dimensional, unsteady, open channel, hydrodynamic model. The Modeling Support Branch of the Division of Planning, California...

The DWR Delta Data Assembly Project
While much progress has been made in advancing the theoretical development of estuary models, relatively little effort has been made in improving the quality and quantity of historical...

A Unified Optimization?Simulation Aquifer Management Model
The optimal management scenario for a groundwater production system represents a delicate balance between the water production operational schedule, which will result in the least demand...

An Optimal Parameter Estimation Model for Groundwater Resource Management
An optimal parameter estimation model is developed to identify the locations of wells, to determine pumping magnitude, and to calculate transmissivity coefficients in a confined aquifer...

Simulation of Subsurface Drainage of Highway Pavements
An analysis of the drainage of a pavement system from initial saturation incorporates a realistic assessment of the drainable porosity of the base. This analysis indicates that if a granular...

Quality Control and Quality Assurance Plan for Bridge Channel-Stability Assessments in Massachusetts
A quality control and quality assurance plan has been implemented as part of the Massachusetts bridge scour and channel-stability assessment program. This program is being conducted by...

In-Depth Scour Evaluations for Bridges in Pennsylvania
The scour evaluations described herein have been prepared for the Pennsylvania Turnpike bridge crossing the Unami Creek, the first bridge studied in a series of nineteen major Turnpike...

Hurricane Andrew in South Florida: Preparing a Water Management System for Disaster
This paper analyzes Hurricane Andrew from its beginning as a tropical storm to the powerful force that it later became. The careful monitoring that took place throughout its transformation...

Hurricane Andrew in South Florida: Steps to Recovery and Lessons Learned
This is the second part of a two-part paper which analyzes the development and impact of Hurricane Andrew in South Florida. The paper specifically deals with the experiences of the South...

Risk Analysis of River Bridge Failure
The proposed procedure to determine the risk of river bridge failure is based on observations and analysis of river bridge failure data of more than 300 U.S. bridges, 180 South African...





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