Northwest Regional Coastal Study: An Integrated Approach
The Northwest Regional Coastal Study as proposed consists of: (1) identification of problems; (2) inventory of available information; (3) prioritizing problems and study areas; (4) conducting...

Coastal Zone Management Practices, Northwest Brittany, France
Over the entire coast of Brittany, three government programs have sponsored over 81. 9 million francs (6 ff equals US1, approx. ) of coastal-related programs since 1968. Projects vary...

Cogenerating Columbia River Salmon and Hydropower
In recent years a number of regional institutional arrangements have been consumated which have potential for reducing overfishing of Columbia River chinook stocks. In the Pacific Northwest...

Liberty State Park: A Public/Private Partnership (abstract)
The Liberty State Park Development Corporation was formed to create public/private partnerships to develop this 750 acre urban park, which lies just 1750 feet from the Statue of Liberty....

Coastal Zone Management Plan Development in Malaysia: Issues and Possible Sollutions
Over the last few decades Malaysia has undergone fairly rapid rates of economic growth, characterised by high level of resource exploitation, without due consideration given to the environmental...

Utilization of Islands Off an Urban Waterfront: The Case of Singapore
The major oil refineries of Singapore are located on the Bukom and the Ayer Chawan groups of islands. Other southern islands have been exclusively developed for tourist and recreational...

Jean Lafitte's Real Legacy and Treasure
The Barataria Estuarine System is part of the Mississippi River which swept back and forth across Louisiana for thousands of years. Barataria Bay no longer receives the enrichment of the...

Sea Level Changes: A Corps of Engineers Perspective
The purpose of this discussion paper is to review current Corps of Engineers policy in relation to a possible significant increase in general sea level. A significant relative sea level...

Beach Restoration at Malaga Urban Area: Pedregalejo Case Study
The existence of a beach is a primary factor for the development of the adjacent urban areas. The present paper deals with the restoration project of Pedregalejo Beach (Malaga-Spain) and...

Site Characterization for Waste Disposal
Site selection is one of the key decisions in waste management. Site selection involves a conflict analysis which considers various engineering factors including geotechnical, as well...

Pollutant Transport Through Barriers
Methods of predicting contaminant transport through saturated and unsaturated clayey barriers are reviewed. Particular consideration is given to the relative importance of advection and...

Geotechnical Properties and Landfill Disposal of FGD Sludge
Extensive test data from more than a decade of research are compiled on the geotechnical engineering properties of flue gas desulfurization (FGD) sludges with emphasis on double alkali...

Shallow Ocean Disposal of Contaminated Dredge Material
The contaminated dredged materials from harbors and waterways along heavily populated coastal areas such as Connecticut must often be disposed at shallow ocean sites. To isolate the contaminants...

The Typical Engineering Properties of Fly Ash
Knowledge of key physical and engineering properties of coal fly ash is needed in the planning, design, and construction of both disposal and utilization projects. While considerable data...

Conversion of a Reservoir Into a Landfill Site
The Writer is acting as a geotechnical consultant during the conversion of a disused water reservoir into a landfill site for domestic and industrial refuse. The site developer had no...

Modelling of Contaminant Transport in Clays Via Irreversible Thermodynamics
This study develops a model for the analysis and prediction of contaminant transport in soils using principles of irreversible thermodynamics. The developed model includes five parameters...

Timber Bulkheads
Timber bulkhead design and construction methods are presented in this publication for consideration by the engineering profession. Included are papers on an analytical method for the design...

Structural Engineering and Microcomputers
This publication contains five papers on the use of microcomputers by structural engineers. The first paper discusses the design of multi-story rigid steel frames. The design process employed...

Building Over the Golden Gate
Charles Seim discusses the struggles of the original bridge advocates to garner support for the Golden Gate Bridge, an idea which originally met with a considerable amount of public opposition....

Golden Gate Bridge Improvements
The Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District engineer talks about improvements made to the Golden Gate Bridge since opening day. Improvements covered include: wind bracing,...





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