Ash Disposal at Coal Creek Station
This paper outlines the effort of two utilities to minimize the impact of an 1100 megawatt lignite fired plant's waste stream on the environment. Current regulations, poor...

Failure Modes of Flat Bottom Vertical Storage Tanks
Flat bottom vertical storage tanks are important components in essential nuclear power plant safety systems. Data on the seismic capacity and failure modes of such tanks have been identified,...

Innovative Aspects of the DQE/GPU Project
The DQE-GPU joint project is an endeavor at supplying electricity to its customers in an economically competative way. The project cosists of using existing power stations in the Three...

EPA's Development of Environmental Standards for High-Level and Transuranic Wastes
EPA is in the process of developing standards for the disposal of high-level and transuranic wastes. This development process is in response to a Court order that remanded standards that...

OCRWM Transportation Technical Activities for 1998
The Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management is preparing for the transport of spend fuel by 1998 from commercial reactors to a monitored retrievable storage facility. The preparations...

Development of the GA-4 and GA-9 Legal Weight Truck Spent Fuel Shipping Casks
General Atomics (GA) is developing two legal-weight-truck spent-fuel shipping casks for transporting commercial reactor spent fuel. The GA-4 pressurized-water-reactor (PWR) and the GA-9...

Volcanic Episodes Near Yucca Mountain As Determined by Paleomagnetic Studies at Lathrop Wells, Crater Flat, and Sleeping Butte, Nevada
It has been suggested that mafic volcanism in the vicinity of Yucca Mountain, Nev., is both recent (20 ka) and a product of complex 'polycyclic' eruptions. This...

Tools for LWR Spent Fuel Characterization: Assembly Classes and Fuel Designs
Tools for the classification of fuel assembly types have been developed during the development of the Characteristics Data Base. The assembly class scheme is based upon the design of the...

Dissolution of Spent Fuel Under the Conditions of Wet Storage and Disposal
The release of cobalt and cesium from PWR spent fuel rods with three types of artificial defects made on their clads in demineralized water and also the dissolution of uranium from unirradiated...

Spent Fuel Waste Form Characteristics: Grain and Fragment Size Statistical Dependence for Dissolution Response
The Yucca Mountain Project of the U.S. Department of Energy is investigating the suitability of the unsaturated zone at Yucca Mountain, NV, for a high-level nuclear waste repository. All...

Energy Education in the Higher Education Systems of California
At San Francisco State University and the University of California, Santa Barbara there is an energy course: Societal Problems of Energy that is designed for non-science majors. The course...

Radioactive Waste Management?An Educational Challenge
University Radioactive Waste Management educational programs are being actively advanced by the educational support activities of the Offices of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (OCRWM)...

Scientific Literacy and Public Education About High-Level Radioactive Waste
The citizens of the United States, and I would tend to believe of other countries, must be sufficiently science literate to make intelligent, rational decisions regarding energy and mineral...

Major and Trace Elements Regulation in Natural Granitic Waters. Application to Deep Radioactive Waste Disposals
In order to forecast the evolution of deep groundwaters in the environment of a radioactive waste disposal, one must be able to understand the behaviour of major and trace elements in...

Radiocolloid Transport in Saturated and Unsaturated Fractures
Studies have shown that radionuclides and toxic materials can attach to colloidal particles in groundwater or are themselves colloids. Since these contaminated particles can migrate several...

Fractal Characteristics of Fracture Roughness and Aperture Data
In this study mathematical expressions are developed for the characteristics of apertures between rough surfaces. It shown that the correlation between the opposite surfaces influences...

Disposal of Spent HTR Fuel Elements
The emplacement of spent fuel elements from high-temperature reactors (HTR) in deep vertical boreholes in a salt repository is one favorable technique for the disposal of these wastes...

Conceptual Design Study of Geological Disposal System of High-Level Waste
Conceptual design study of geological disposal system for HLW was carried out taking into account geological environment in Japan, in order to provide disposal concepts for integrated...

Microwave Application to TRU Wastes Conditioning System
Ceramic like wastes such as incinerated ash, thermal insulator, concrete, and soil and sand mostly being composed of a dielectric material, can be directly melted by microwave irradiation....

Concept Development of Small Cask to Large Cask Transfer Systems
Studies for EPRI have been performed by two contractors to develop conceptual designs for small cask to large cask transfers of spent fuel. From the work, two dry transfer concepts and...





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