The Effect of Seeding on Convective Cells in West Texas
The effect on convective cells of randomized seeding for dynamic effects in the Southwest Cooperative Program is addressed. Analysis of three-dimensional, volume-scan, radar data using...

Determining Transit Losses for Water Deliveries by Use of Stream-Aquifer Models
Hydrologic modeling of stream-aquifer interaction commonly has been used to quantify transit losses associated with water deliveries, such as those from reservoir storage. This technique...

Conveyance Characteristics of Natural Channels in Wyoming
This paper addresses the quantification of instream or conveyance losses of water being transported within natural stream systems in Wyoming using a net total loss and incremental loss...

Wetland Impacts of Center Pivots in Wheeler Co., NE
This paper describes an investigation of wetlands impacts from an intensive center-pivot irrigation operation in a 17,000 acre portion of Nebraska's Sandhills region. Well...

Variability of Copper in the International Reach of the Similkameen River, British Columbia
All total copper concentrations measured in soft water during spring freshets were above the Canadian Water Quality Guidelines. Approximately 57% of all 108 observations over the three-year...

Irrigation Intervention Analysis of Drainage SAR
G.E.P. Box-G.M. Jenkins time series analysis, with irrigation applications as an intervention function, was used to study temporal and spatial variabilities of sodium adsorption ratios...

Developing a Training Program for Inspectors
The reasons for failure of engineering works are many and varied. An inexperienced or poorly trained construction inspector can be a contributing element in cases of failure. The Bureau...

Dam Seepage Analysis Using Artificial Intelligence
The paper discusses an interactive advanced decision support system (ADSS) which is being applied to analyzing seepage from embankment dams. The development of a prototype knowledge base,...

Atrazine in Subsurface Drain Water in Southern Louisiana
Atrazine was applied preemergent to corn on subsurface drained and undrained plots. Atrazine soil concentration and concentration and loss in drain water were determined for 243 days after...

Pesticide and Nitrate Movement Under Conservation and Conventional Tilled Plots
Carbofuran, alachlor, atrazine, nitrate and bromide (a tracer) were applied to plots with conventional and conservation tillage. During the early part of the growing season the conservation...

A Portable Bowen Ratio System for ET Measurements
The AZET system developed at the University of Arizona is designed to measure evapotranspiration (ET) in arid zone environments, using the Bowen ratio model. The system consists of a set...

A Lawyer's View of Engineers' Responsibility
When presented with a case involving damaged property, a lawyer typically will seek to determine the point of the failure and then work backwards in an effort to analyze each of the factors...

Flow Measurement Using a Digital Pressure-Time Method
This paper describes flow measurements performed by TVA's Engineering Laboratory as a part of absolute efficiency measurements of the two units at the Great Falls Hydro Plant....

Riverbank Instability Due to Bed Degradation
Degradation lowers the bed of an alluvial channel over a long reach. This has the effect of increasing the bank heights and angles, which decreases the stability of the banks with respect...

Toe Scour Protection in Open Channels
Scour at the toe of bank protection works is one of the major causes of failure of these structures. Weighted riprap toes are frequently used to prevent bank protection failure due to...

Design and Evaluation of Storm Water Detention Facilities Using a Design Storm and Probable Maximum Storm
When designing a storm water detention facility, both a design storm (DS) and a probable maximum storm (PMS) should be considered. The DS is used to design the facility. The PMS is used...

An Inline Retarding Basin
This paper discusses the idea of retarding flows within existing right-of-way in a linear basin. This concept is based on longitudinally dividing the right-of-way into two sections. The...

Snow-Melt Triggered Debris Flows Affecting Utah's Megalopolis
During the abnormally wet years of 1983 and 1984, debris flows were triggered late in spring on the west flank of the Wasatch Mountains and elsewhere in Central Utah. These debris flows...

The USDA Water Erosion Prediction Project
New generation water erosion prediction technology is being developed by the USDA Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP). The new technology is expected to replace the Universal Soil...

Watershed Runoff Forecasting Technique
Based on historical records of up to 57 years, a computer model was developed to establish the precipitation - runoff relationship for four reservoir systems in the Northeast portion of...





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