Hydropower Stochastic Forecasting and Optimization
A microcomputer package was implemented to support real-time decisions for weekly and month-end water management at an industrial complex in the mountains of British Columbia. The rolling...

Application of Principal-Component Analysis to Long-Term Reservoir Management
Determining the optimal long-term operating policy of a multireservoir power system requires solution of a stochastic nonlinear programming problem. The paper presents a very efficient...

Brief Description of Castor Software for Management of Reservoir Systems
The CASTOR group, started in 1984 at Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal (Canada), is a major software development project for an integrated CAD system related to hydro projects. Based on...

PROFS Role in Modernization of the National Weather Service
This paper describes the overall modernization procedure and the computing infrastructure that will support hydrologic operations in a prototype workstation that will be available in National...

Innovative Uses of Rainfall Prediction in Urban Flash Flood Forecasting
Operational prediction of excessive convective rainfall and the ensuing urban flooding has been an integral part of the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District's (UDFCD)...

WATFLOOD: A Real-Time, Microcomputer-Based Data Management and Flood Forecast System
WATFLOOD is a menu-driven micro-computer based flood forecasting system incorporating data management programs to enable real-time use of weather radar for flood forecasting. The main...

Geographic Information Systems for Hydrologic Modeling
Geographic information system techniques provide flexible and powerful capabilities for computer processing of spatial data sets integral to flash flood forecasting. Video digitizing or...

A Report on 18 Warning Systems in America
Of all weather related disasters in the United States, floods are the primary cause of death, and most flood related deaths result from flash floods. One of the major changes in flash...

Effecting Timely Responses to Urban Flash Floods
Problem identification and decision aid development are important first steps in putting together an effective flood warning plan. Until adequate data exists to allow refinement of runoff...

The Los Vaqueros Model: A Microcomputer-Based Reservoir Planning System
This paper describes the development and application of a set of microcomputer models for the evaluation of a complex water resources project. The Los Vaqueros Model includes components...

The Formation of Meandering and Braided Channels
Flow in alluvial channels implies flow past boundaries that form and deform under the action of the flow. Interaction between the flow and the mobile boundaries produces channel patterns...

Methods and Applications of Numerical Hydrology on a Drainage Basin
A model is presented here (MOMID) to study, having considered a morphological base of the drainage basin, the unit hydrogram and the routing time along the basin itself....

Self-Accelerated Turbidity Current Prediction Based Upon Dynamic Turbulence Models
The structure of a self-accelerated turbidity current appears to be significantly better predicted by a dynamic Reynolds stress turbulence model than by one- and two- equation models....

Modeling Sediment Transport in Rectangular Ducts with a Two-Equation Model of Turbulence
The paper deals with the application of a two-equation model of turbulence to the calculation of flows in rectangular ducts. A non-linear relationship is used to link the Reynolds stresses...

Reliability of Bank Protection Works Subject to Erosion
Sediment movement and changes of bed levels in natural rivers are non-stationary processes. The design of protection works for structures against erosion should account for the time dependency...

Model Study of Side Slope Riprap
Laboratory experiments were conducted in 10-m long channels having 1.5 H : 1 V side slopes protected with a 20.7-mm diameter rock layer 1.5 diameters thick. Four models were tested. In...

Towards a Distinct Treatment of Incipient Motion for Bed Forms of Low Regime
The principle methods for estimating the incipient particle motion on developed bed forms in the lower regime are compared with each other. Usually only a part of the total wall shear...

Method to Predict Cropland Ephemeral Gully Erosion
The U.S. Soil Conservation Service (SCS) in cooperation with the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) has developed a microcomputer program to provide estimates of the average annual material...

An Overview of Computer Stream Sedimentation Models
This paper discuss some of the author's experience in computer modeling of stream sedimentation problems. Comparisons of twelve selected models developed and implemented in...

Areal Sampling Techniques
Three areal methods, commonly used for sampling the coarser surface layer of gravel-bed streams, are examined. An idealized sediment deposit, that consists of cubic particles and accounts...





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