Unique Water Quality Aspects of Lake Pontchartrain
Natural factors causing changes in Lake Pontchartrain, can be grouped into the following: subsidence and wetland loss due to the deterioration of the St. Bernard Delta, natural variations...

Environmental Assessment of Lake Maggiore, St. Petersburg, Florida
Lake Maggiore is a shallow 385 acre (156 ha) hypereutrophic lake located in St. Petersburg, Florida. The lake's watershed contains a variety of urban land use types that have...

Water Supply Impact Analysis of Proposed Water Quality Control Plan for Salinity for San Francisco Bay and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Estuary
This paper presents the procedures and techniques employed as part of the Bay-Delta proceedings to evaluate the water supply impacts of various proposed flow and water quality objectives...

Reservoir Operation Analysis with the PC
Information for reservoir water-supply planning is available from an interactive PC-DOS-based program. With this program, the user controls the sequence of data preparation and simulation...

Estimating Power Plant Cooling Water Demand
The Fayette Power Project (FPP) includes three generation units, with more than 1,500 megawatts of generating capacity, supplying electricity to more than a million Central Texans. The...

A Bivariate Stochastic Reservoir Model
A bivariate distribution of peak flows and volumes is derived taking into account their correlation structure. This distribution is then used to derive reservoir operation curves which...

Santa Clara Valley Nonpoint Source Program, Santa Clara County, CA
A Water Quality Basin Plan prepared for the region in 1986 by the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) promulgated regulations to control inputs of pollutants to South San Francisco...

Basin Management Plan for the Pajaro Valley, Central Coast of California
The Pajaro Valley, a coastal basin located along California's Central Coast, is primarily an agricultural valley with over 90 percent of its water supplied from local groundwater...

Devil's Gate Multi-Use Project and Urban Water Resource
Not since Congress passed the 1902 Reclamation Act has there been an opportunity for a water resources project to make such an instrumental impact on the environment. Historically, damming...

Sediment Impediment to Boat Launching at Miller Park, City of Avon Lake, Ohio
In 1987 a boat launching facility was constructed at Miller Park, in the City of Avon Lake, Lorain County, Ohio (Figure 1). There have been problems with sediment buildup ever since it...

The Engineering of Mathematical Models
This paper presents the history of the development of a mathematical estuary hydraulic and an ecology based water quality model, and the problems encountered in transferring use to the...

Flushing Characteristics for Harbor Planning
A two-dimensional hydrodynamics model was used to understand the circulation and transport patterns in Keelung Harbor, Taiwan. The calculated hydrodynamics information was used to determine...

Wave Motion in Aerated Rubble Mounds
Experimental investigations were undertaken to study the effect of air entrainment on wave motion in rubble mounds. The study is aimed at the understanding of the processes associated...

Mississippi River Diversions for Marsh Creation
Large scale, uncontrolled sediment diversions from the Mississippi River are proposed by the Corps of Engineers as a means of creating new marsh and reducing the loss of wetlands. These...

Siting of a Reclaimed Water Reservoir
The City of Santa Rosa (City), California, retained Woodward-Clyde Consultants to identify, evaluate, screen and rank potential sites for construction of a dam and reservoir to store reclaimed...

Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse for Malibu, California
Engineering-Science is providing consulting engineering services for the design of a sewer system and wastewater reclamation plant for the urban portion of Malibu, California. This project...

Current Status of Wetland Protection and Management in Tennessee
In order to save the remaining wetland resources and to manage these wetlands to the benefit of all, the State of Tennessee currently is in the process of formulating a comprehensive state...

Wetland Valuation Based Upon Multi-Purpose Performance Evaluation
Wetland protection and restoration have become a top priority in water management. A wide variety of benefits are ascribed to wetland protection, e.g., flood control, water quality improvement,...

The Engineer's Role in Wetland Enhancement, Restoration and Creation
Efforts are being made by the U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE), to implement President Bush's...

Freshwater Diversions from the Mississippi River to Wetlands in Southeast Louisiana
Wetlands in the United States are disappearing at a rapid rate due to a variety of manmade and natural causes. In southeast Louisiana, freshwater diversions from the Mississippi River...





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