Design, Permitting and Initial Operation of a 32 Mw Agricultural Waste Fired Power Plant
Independent power producers are playing an increasingly important role in satisfying the electric power requirements of public utilities. Many of the independent power producers rely heavily...

The Low Temperature Engine System?Status Report
Computer simulations have shown the Low-Temperature Engine System (LTES), a breakthrough in application of long-established thermodynamic principles, to offer double digit power output...

The Future of Non-Utility Generation
The business of designing, constructing and operating non-utility owned electric power plants continues to evolve into the 1990s. The industry is consolidating as smaller market participants...

Projections for Reduction in Lake Acidification From SO2 Emission Reductions
The Acid Deposition Assessment Model (ADAM) is used to assess the possible range of effects of a national acid rain emission reduction plan on lake chemistry and fish populations in the...

Evaluating Advanced Technologies for Acid Rain Compliance
Technological innovation in emissions control of acid rain precursors has made possible increasingly stringent control requirements for coal-fired power plants. A key challenge for potential...

Screening Emissions Control Measures
Under the new Clean Air Act, electric utilities will be able to choose from a wider range of sulfur dioxide emissions control options than in the past. Among the newly available measures...

Introduction to Structural and Mechanical Failure Modes for Nuclear Power Facilities
The three papers presented in this section discuss the types of information (i.e., dynamic tests, earthquake experience and analytical data) which are used in predicting the capacity of...

Raising of an Ash Disposal Pond by Hydraulic Filling
Commercial and industrial development around existing power plant waste disposal sites often precludes the ability to expand these sites laterally. Limitations on land availability have...

Hydropower in the Upper Ohio River Basin: A Decade of Effort at Risk
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued licenses on September 27, 1989 for construction of 16 hydroelectric projects in the Upper Ohio River Basin after up to 8 years of...

Reviewing the History and Activity of FERC
Since passage of the Federal Water Power Act in 1920 (Part I of the Federal Power Act, 16 U.S.C. 791a et seq.), Congress has required those seeking to construct, operate, or maintain hydroelectric...

Environmental Aspects and Compliance Costs of Hydropower Regulation
Recent experiences by American Electric Power with respect to mitigation at hydroelectric project sites on the upper Ohio River indicate that compliance with environmental regulations...

The Changing Legal Structure of Non-Utility Generation in the 1990's
Before actual construction of a small power production or cogeneration facility commences, numerous economic, technical and legal factors have been considered during the planning process....

Facing the 21st Century with an Aging Hydro System
The Tennesse Valley Authority (TVA) has implemented a comprehensive study of their hydroelectric plants in order to extend their service life for the next 50 years into the 21st century....

Hydro Rehabilitation?Innovative Solutions
Most hydro facilities have been in operation for many years and, consequently, must periodically have been rehabilitated. The high cost of energy, labor, materials, and financing dictate...

Automation of Union Electric's Hydro-Power Plants
Union Electric Company is spending twelve million dollars on Electronic Control and Monitoring equipment at two of their hydro-electric plants (a total of twenty-seven generating units)...

Acid Mine Drainage: An Overview
In the United States, acid mine water adversely affects over 6,500 km (4,000 miles) of rivers and streams. This is, however, a significant improvement over the situation two decades ago....

A Model to Predict the Production Rate of AMD
Results generated from a model to deterministically calculate the production rate of acid mine drainage compared to those generated by an empirical model are nearly identical. The model...

Wetlands for Acid Mine Drainage Treatment
Wetlands are being constructed on mined lands to treat acid mine drainage. Most of these wetlands remove a substantial amount of iron and sulfate from the water, but manganese removal...

Acid Mine Drainage Control Utilizing Fly Ash
Acid mine drainage is a serious environmental problem confronting the Appalachian region. Fly ash, the air particulate residual from the combustion of coal, is also an environmental concern...

Nuclear Plant License Renewal: Benefits, Feasibility, and Process
The future of power plants in the U.S. is of growing concern. The need for competitively priced and economically safe plants is a must. The reluctance of the utility industry to produce...





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