Tidal Mass Exchange Between a Submersed Aquatic Vegetation Bed and the Main Channel of the Potomac River
Tidal mass exchange between a submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) bed and the main channel of the Potomac River was investigated. Water levels were recorded at 5 minute intervals from August...

The Design of Scour-Safe Bridges
Two new highway systems, the East Papago and the Pima freeways, are currently under design and construction within the Phoenix, Arizona, metropolitan area. Both of these highways will...

Bridge Scour and Stream Instability Countermeasures
Stream instability is characterized by lateral or vertical instability. Such instability has led to the failure of bridges and loss of life. Lateral instability is caused by lateral migration...

Bridge Scour Research Needs
This paper presents a summary of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) priority research emphasis on bridge scour, sedimentation, and stream stability problems. The most persistent...

Management and Institutional Considerations in Selecting Appropriate Technologies in Water Supply and Sanitation
Rural water supply and sanitation systems in developing countries have had an unacceptably high rate of failure or reduced use. Development planners have not sufficiently considered the...

Appropriate Technology in Infrastructure Development and Management
Infrastructure management principles apply to appropriate technologies used for hydraulic structures. However, some of the principles are more culturally sensitive than others, mainly...

Education, Research and Training for Appropriate Technology
Much has been written about appropriate technology (AT) and how to accomplish it. This paper adds to that literature with specific ideas for education, training and research programs and...

Dam Break Analysis for a Series of Dams Using the HEC-1 and DAMBRK Computer Programs
The HEC-1 and DAMBRK computer programs were developed by the US Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) [3] and by the National Weather Service (NWS) [4], respectively....

Rio Moquino Stream Stability and Erosion Protection, Jackpile Uranium Mine
The uniqueness of the Jackpile Reclamation Project and the changes in reclamation technology over the past few years have prompted a reexamination of some of the design criteria specified...

Sedimentation Problems and Solutions: Roseires Dam and Reservoir, Sudan
Roseires Dam and reservoir are located in Sudan, Africa on the Blue Nile River. The hydropower from the reservoir provides approximately 80% of the power used in Sudan, thus having a tremendous...

Flood Control Design for Development on Alluvial Fans
Hydrology, debris production, sediment transport and hydraulic studies were conducted to provide flood control for a development within an alluvial fan floodplain. Innovative techniques...

River Dike Design Using a Numerical Model Approach
The preliminary design of a dike field at Redeye Crossing on the Mississippi River (Baton Rouge, Louisiana) is discussed. The TABS-2 modeling system was used to develop a two dimensional...

Incipient Motion Criteria Defining Safe Zones for Salmon Spawning Habitat
Approximately 70% of the City of Seattle's water supply is drawn from the Cedar River. Between 200,000 and 400,000 sockeye salmon spawn annually in this partially dewatered...

Effects of Fine Sediment Intrusion on Spawning Gravel in Southeast Alaska
The supply of sediment to forest streams in Southeastern Alaska is related to the inherent instabilities of landforms, stream channels and the effects of logging practices. Debris avalanches,...

Visualization of Grids and Flow Fields for CFD Data
This paper will address visualization of grids and flow fields for computational field simulation. Specifically, we will present results and demonstrations of surface and grid generation...

Environmental and Hydraulic Considerations in the Design of a Circulating Water Cooling System
Environmental considerations play an important part in the design of a condenser cooling system. A once-through system may require assessment of a combination of events to determine the...

Design of a Self-Regulating Flap Gate
The objective of the research reported here is to improve the design of a flap gate whose function is to maintain a constant upstream water level over a wide range of flow rates. The self-regulating...

Application of a 2-D Water Quality Model (BETTER) to Manage Effects of Low Flow and Wastewater Effluents in Cheatham Lake, Tennessee
Applications of BETTER, a 2-D reservoir water quality model, have been made by the Nashville District Corps of Engineers (Corps) and by the Nashville Metropolitan Water and Sewerage Services...

Modelling Longitudinal Temperature Distribution in TVA Reservoir System
A one-dimensional model has been developed for computation of water temperature in the TVA reservoir system. The model has been successfully used in evaluating the impact of incremental...

A Review of Modeling and Analysis Approaches for Optimization of Reservoir System Operations
Numerous mathematical models have been developed for sizing reservoir storage capacities and establishing operating policies during project planning, for reevaluating the operating policies...





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