Eastern San Joaquin County Groundwater Resource Planning Alternative Analysis
An Integrated Groundwater and Surface Water Model (IGSM) has been developed and calibrated for eastern San Joaquin County in the Central Valley of California to evaluate future water resources...

Channel Restoration Project along Toby Creek
Creek banks within Mecklenburg County, NC, are eroding, producing excessive quantities of sediment in the creek and causing bank instability. Seeking innovative approaches to these problems,...

Reclaiming Denver's Central South Platte River
The South Platte River reaches from the 14,000 foot peaks west of Denver more than 300 miles east to its confluence with the North Platte River at North Platte, Nebraska. As the South...

South Platte River Restoration through Maintenance
This paper describes the use of restorative maintenance activities by the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District to clean up, stabilize and restore river banks and grade along the South...

Tributary No. 9 Restoration, Maryland State Highway Administration
The Maryland State Highway Administration agreed to accomplish restoration of 1,100 feet of stream channel as part of a mitigation agreement with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore...

Simulation of Dissolved Oxygen in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
A one-dimensional model has been developed to simulate water quality in a complex multi-channel estuarine system. The model utilizes a Lagrangian reference frame for transport computations....

Predicting THM Formation with Artificial Neural Networks
An existing mathematical model to predict trihalomethane formation and speciation was enhanced through the use of artificial neural network technology. The model corresponded well with...

Simulating DBP Precursor Transport in Sacramento Delta
Fate and movement of disinfection by-product organic precursors in California's Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta was simulated for a 365-thy period with a hydrodynamics and transport...

Simulation of Pesticide Transport for Verification of the DWRDSM
The California Department of Water Resources Delta Simulation Model (DWRDSM) is periodically verified against new hydrodynamics and water quality field data to ensure reliability and identify...

Interruptible Option Contracts
Interruptible option contracts have been proposed and studied in numerous parts of the Western United States as an alternative supply option for water systems in an economically higher...

The Watershed Approach: A Framework for Action
This paper describes and promotes a workable framework for watershed management as an effective means to address the nation's remaining water resource problems, with the ulthnte...

The Direction of the Point Source Program
The NPDES permit programs operate under the concept of providing for a cleaner environment by restricting the release of pollutants. Over 500,000 sources are now subject to regulation...

Ecosystem Management in the State of Florida
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), acting at the direction of the 1993 legislature and the Governor, has developed a concept for implementing ecosystem management...

Increasing Computational Accuracy of Radial Gate Flows
Radial (Tainter) gates are the most widely used flow control structure on large, open channel conveyance systems. In contrast, the hydraulic forces are complicated and this type of gate...

Developing a Rating Table for the Central Diversion Dam Radial Gates
The Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District uses radial gates for flow control throughout its system. The rating tables for five radial gates on a diversion dam are in error,...

Discharge Characteristics of Overshot Gates
Overshot gates are becoming increasingly popular for controlling water levels in open channels because of the ability of the gates to handle flow surges with limited depth changes. While...

Field Determination of Flow through a Pressure Regulating Valve
This paper presents a computer methodology to calculate flow through a pressure regulating valve for different opening percentages and a given pressure differential. The methodology is...

Waste of Water Is Costly. Why Not Use an Accurate Flow Monitoring System?
Water becomes more and more a precious good. Therefore the exact measurement of flow of water, the management of water and process control in connection with water will become more and...

County-Wide Drainage Study Using GIS
A county-wide drainage study was conducted for the County of San Joaquin, California, Department of Public Works, for the determination of storm runoff quantities for the planning of flood...

BASINS?A GIS-linked Watershed Analysis and Modeling Tool
Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources (BASINS) is a GIS based tool developed by EPA's Office of Water to help States target and evaluate water...





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