The Value of Lateral and Creative Thinking in Water Resources Problem Solving
Throughout the history, always the highest awards have been given to creative ideas. Today, however the velocity of change and the complexity of events makes it almost impossible to spend...

Forthcoming ASCE/WPCF Manual of Practice
The forthcoming ASCE/WPCF Manual of Practice for the Design and Construction of Urban Stormwater Management Systems includes, as Chapter 1, a derivation of the following text. This chapter...

Summary of Stormwater Quality Management Practices
The control of water quality in urban runoff is in its technical infancy. Never-the-less Water Quality Act of 1987 states that stormwater pollution must be reduced to the maximum extent...

Urban Storm Drainage Design Hydraulic Principles
Chapter 6 of the manual on Design and Construction of Urban Storm Water Management Systems discusses the hydraulic principles and equations under which drainage system structures must...

Water Technology Development and Transfer in Mexico
Mexican Government has developed the National Potable Water Supply and Sanitation Program to meet the country's water supply demands, both in quantity and quality. Two core...

Environmental Restoration Project in Poland
Swedish-Polish project aiming at integrated environmental restoration of an degraded area in southern Poland is described. The project aims to demonstrate that an integrated approach,...

Urban Water Issues/Strategies in the Humid Tropics
Annual rainfall volumes in the Humid Tropics are large, and the events can be quite intense, but they can also be highly variable, with periods in which little or no rainfall occurs. Streams...

Dams for the 21st Century
Water shortages around the world are mounting. Construction of dams, development of groundwater and improvement of irrigation practices are necessary to increase water supplies. Vast quantities...

Pricing Policy for Water Services
Prices and pricing strategies are described in terms of their functions and revenue objectives applicable to water services. Ten pricing objectives are defined in terms of how the objective...

Water Pricing to Achieve Efficient Allocation Among Competing Users
In many areas of the country experiencing drought or limited water availability, efficient water pricing offers the best conservation and allocation strategy. This paper analyzes the use...

A Conceptual Basis for Developing Model State Water Codes
The crafting of model state water codes must proceed out of the recognition that there are two prevailing philosophies under which resources are allocated. These contrasting systems both...

Development of a Model Water Code for a Riparian-Doctrine State
Model water codes typically are developed for implementation through an administrative water-use permitting program. In order to adopt a model code in this form, a riparian-doctrine state...

Preparing a Model Water Code: Reform or Restatement?
In preparing a model state water code, there is tension between (1) advocating sweeping water law reform, and (2) merely eliminating overlapping code coverages, filling gaps, updating...

Your Role in the Model State Water Code Project
The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Model State Water Code Project is very ambitious. The Task Committee (TC) to Establish a Model State Water Code and the Water Laws Committee...

An Intelligent Warning System for Real-time Operation of Water Systems
This paper describes the development of the Intelligent Warning System (IWS), a modular extension of the Operations Advisor and Simulated Intelligence System (OASIS). OASIS is a full-scale...

Automatic Control of a Sewage Interceptor
This paper presents a control system for the automatic operation of a sewage intercepter with control gates to reduce sewage discharge to the receiving waters. One of the issues of the...

CSO Pollution Abatement Project Performance
The City of Trenton, NJ combined sewer overflow (CSO) pollution abatement project has been in operation for more than four years. Daily records include composite BOD5...

An Expert System for the Planning and Design of Flood Control Channels
The planning and design of flood control channels often calls for the evaluation of a unique set of physical conditions which do not lend themselves to standard designs. Consequently,...

Successful Planning, Funding, and Implementation of Water Resources Projects
This paper presents the methods used by Alameda County Water District to plan, fund, and implement its long term capital improvement program. Water supply and facility planning studies...

Introduction to Multi Criterion Methods and Selected Software
Water resources and environmental managers face a difficult task of managing water resources systems to meet an increasing array of objectives. Often the various objectives are non-commensurable...





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