River Ice Cover Cracking for Various Boundary Conditions
The breakup of river ice covers is commonly initiated by the formation of cracks parallel to river banks. These cracks usually result from a change in the water level due to a rapid rising...

Designing for Control of Ice Conditions in Marinas
Each marina or small-craft harbor experiencing ice during the winter months must be designed for site specific conditions. These conditions are governed by environmental factors (geology,...

A Shallow-Draft Icebreaker for the Upper Niagara River
The New York Power Authority (Authority) designed and built a special purpose, shallow-draft icebreaker in 1986 and 1987 for use in the upper Niagara River. The icebreaker is used during...

Laboratory Observations of Macroscopic Failure Modes in Freshwater Ice
A review is presented of tests performed in the laboratory by several investigators on indentation in freshwater ice. A number of the observed failure modes are discussed. From the results,...

Effective Pressures Measured During Indentation Tests in Freshwater Ice
Indentation tests were conducted by pushing flat, vertical indentors of two different widths (50 and 100 mm) against the edges of floating, freshwater ice at different velocities (0.6-150...

New Hydrologic Instrumentation in the U.S. Geological Survey
New water-level sensing and recording instrumentation is being used by the U.S. Geological Survey for monitoring water levels, stream velocities, and water-quality characteristics. Several...

The USACRREL Underwater Frazil Ice Detector
A modified underwater frazil ice detector has been developed at USACRREL. This detector, which operates remotely, can automatically start deicing procedures and alert operators to the...

Risk Assessment for Groundwater Pollution Control
Prepared by the Groundwater Risk Assessment Task Committee for the Water Pollution Management Committee of the Environmental Engineering Division of ASCE. ...

CSO Solutions
EPA estimates that 1,200 cities have nearly 20,000 combined-sewer-overflow points in areas serving more than 43 million people. Their impact on waterways has become a national problem,...

Trouble on the Waterways?
Crumbling highways and bridges can cripple the U.S. economy. A lesser known transportation problem is the condition of our inland waterway system. Waterways are a cost-efficient, environmentally-sound...

Valuing Residual Emissions in Electricity Planning
Incorporating the valuation of residual emissions into calculations of social cost permits comparisons among alternative sources of electricity generation inclusive of environmental impacts....

Precipitator Retrofit and Repair: A Case Study
Described is a difficult fossil power station retrofit project performed on a tight schedule at a congested site. Installation of a new supplementary precipitator and structural repairs...

Retrofitting Existing Fossil Plant Facilities
This paper summarizes the contents of and provides some insight into the usefulness a structural engineer will get from the publication 'Retrofitting Existing Fossil Plant...

Efficiency-Based Monitoring System Design
An analytical Monitoring Efficiency Model (MEMO) is presented to support the design of monitoring well networks at hazardous waste sites. The method simulates the migration of hypothetical...

The PowerBargeTM for Lock/Dams on Inland Waterways
Following a brief description of the prefabricated floating PowerBarge concept, the range of application and expected cost and time savings is presented. Environmental benefits are described...

Electric Utility Planning for Greenhouse Concerns
International concerns for the potential of significant climate change resulting from the greenhouse phenomenon have focused increasing attention on the emissions of carbon dioxide and...

Procedure for Seismic Evaluation and Design of Small Bore Piping
Simplified methods for the seismic design for small bore piping in nuclear power plants have been used for many years. Various pipe designers have developed unique methods to treat the...

Anchoring?A New Generation
During the time period of NRC Bulletin 79-02, and certainly afterwards, the use and application of wedge type anchors in Nuclear Power Plants took on a new perspective. The data gathered...

Recirculation Piping Replacement Project at Dresden Unit 3
This paper discusses the Recirculation Piping Replacement Project performed at Dresden Unit 3 during 1985 and 1986. It describes several of the technical and administrative problems associated...

Interim Spent-Fuel Storage Options at Commercial Nuclear Power Plants
Although spent fuel can be stored safely in waterfilled pools at reactor sites, some utilities may not possess sufficient space for life-of-plant storage capability. In-pool storage capability...





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