Using the Microcomputer in the Software Development Process
The migration of the computer from the controlled environment of a computer room to the office desk-top provides the software engineer with a convenient and effective tool for enhancing...

Water Distribution Systems Analysis Package
A computer software package for water distribution systems analysis has been developed for the city of Fort Worth, Texas, to overcome the problems of time consumption and human error,...

An Investigation into Causes of Bank Caving
A series of investigations into bank caving along the Ohio River are described. These investigations include a study of the distribution of precipitation in the study region, derivation...

Forecast Uncertainty in Reservoir Operation
Bayesian decision theory can be of significant value to reservoir operation because of its flexibility in being able to incorporate new information and/or opinions and judgments of decision...

Water Demand Forecasting in Southern California
A study of annual water use in Southern California is made in order to determine the cause of unusually high demands in 1987. Regression analysis of the demands and analysis of ratios...

Continuous Drainage System Modeling of Jones Run
A generalized package of hydrologic and hydraulic models has been developed for the quantitative analysis of watersheds and drainage networks. The package is called ODWAP (the Old Dominion...

GWPATH: Ground-Water Flow Path Analysis
GWPATH is an interactive software package for estimating horizontal fluid pathlines and travel time in fully saturated groundwater flow domains. GWPATH was developed for the IBM PC-AT...

Statistical Modeling of Space-Time Data
A common practice in hydrogeology is to draw contour lines to depict the occurrence of spatially distributed (i.e., regionalized) variables such as groundwater elevations, aquifer properties...

Introducing Geostatistics?Estimating Spatial Data
The theory of regionalized variables commonly known as geostatistics is now being applied throughout the community of engineering and sciences. Measurements taken at different locations,...

Movement of Chloride Ions in a Saturated Soil Sample
A series of laboratory experiments were performed to demonstrate and track the migration of chloride ions in saturated soil samples undergoing freezing. Results from these experiments...

Soil Parameters for Design of Buried Pipelines
This paper presents the table of recommended design parameters for soil, shows their physical significance, and compares the resulting stiffness and strength for the variety of soil and...

New Installation Designs for Buried Concrete Pipe
The rational development of new installation designs for buried concrete pipe is described. Over 100 analyses were performed using a new computer program named SPIDA (Soil Pipe Interaction...

Water Main Condition Monitoring A Case Study
Water main breaks, routine occurrences for water utilities, reflect the structural failure of the main. The trend in break patterns is increasing for many utilities in the U. S. Several...

Pipeline Infrastructure Rehabilitation
A significant amount of technological development has occurred during the past ten (10) years regarding the actual rehabilitation methods, or reconstruction procedures on the decaying...

Buried Pipeline Research Needs
A workshop was convened with representatives from universities, consulting engineering and research organizations, pipe and/or equipment manufacturers, constructors, users, and government...

Effects of Ground Failure on Ductile Iron Pipe
The design studies and procedures outlined in this paper for pipelines that must cross earthquake fault zones are also applicable to similar ground disturbances resulting from landslides,...

Dams and Earthquakes: A Shaky Relationship
The rarity of earthquake-related dam failure does not mean that it can't happen. A phased geologic assessment could prevent potential catastrophe by determining where and...

Lessons from Schoharie Creek
The failure of the Schoharie Creek Bridge in New York State occurred in April 1987. Several investigative panels were commissioned. The failure has been generally attributed to scour,...

Quality: Out of the Manual and Into the Field
The intent of ASCE's Manual of Professional Practice for Quality in the Constructed Product, Preliminary Edition for Trial Use and Comment...

The Cause of the Johnstown Flood
The Johnstown flood occurred in 1889, when an earth and rock dam failed during a record rainfall in eastern Pennsylvania. The flood was one of the worst civil disasters in the U.S.; 2,200...





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