Boston's City within a City
The Massachusetts Water Resource Authority's 11-year effort to clean up Boston Harbor is in full swing. The nerve center of the project is Deer Island, a 210 acre site that...

Waterfall Aeration Works
When they sought an alternative for instream aeration in Chicago's Calumet Waterway System, engineers at the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRDGC)...

Predicting Sediment Loads
Many reservoirs in the U.S. and internationally have experienced unforeseen storage loss when sediment loads exceed those originally predicted during the design stage. This often results...

Perils of Point Loma
Rupture of the Point Loma sewage outfall in San Diego on Feb. 2, 1992, sent 180 mgd of primary-treated sewage coursing into shallow waters off the city's coastline. The article...

Seismic Assessment of Tailings Dams
A significant portion of the operating and closed large dams in North America are tailings dams used to impound wastes from mining operations. Often these dams were built by mine personnel...

The Caisson Solution
Detroit is expanding its wastewater treatment plant to drastically reduce combined sewer overflows. The expansion, however, is being done on an extremely congested 4 acre tract of land...

Manholes and Microtunneling
Contractors are for the Oakwood Beach Interceptor Sewer Project, on Staten Island, N.Y., were having difficulty. Glacial tills and a high water table made working 90 ft below the ground...

Pressure Pipeline Design for Water and Wastewater
This committee report, Pressure Pipeline Design for Water and Wastewater, is a revision of the 1975 ASCE publication Pipeline...

Decentralized Wastewater Management
With the discovery earlier this century that city squalor caused disease, we protected ourselves by piping raw wastes away. Later, when the discharge had transformed rivers into foul,...

Soil-Pipe Interaction During Frost Heaving Around a Buried Chilled Pipeline
The freezing of soil water around a buried chilled pipeline leads to soil heaving, which is affected by the presence of the pipe. This process may eventually cause pipeline failure. The...

Water Conservation at the Antarctic Wasa Base - Results 1989-90
The Swedish WASA base was erected in the Norwegian sector of Antarctica during the 1988-89 summer season. The base was on a nunatakk and consisted of a dwelling house with full living...

A Wetlands Sewage Treatment System for the Community of Teslin
The Village of Teslin, with a population of 450, is located in south-central Yukon, approximately 180 km southeast of Whitehorse. Since 1977, the community has been trucking its sewage...

PS 5 Sewage Lagoon Embankment Stabilization
In 1981 an embankment containing a three-cell wastewater treatment lagoon was constructed adjacent to the northern edge of the Pump Station 5 gravel pad on the Trans Alaska Pipeline System....

Freeze-Thaw Effects on Clay Covers and Liners
The properties of clay covers and liners used for containing solid waste materials are highly susceptible to environmental stresses. Even when clay layers are protected from drying, freezing...

River Ice Research in China
Hydraulic research in China has concentrated largely on free surface flows, sediment transport, large hydraulic structures, and hydraulic machinery. River ice research activities are expanding...

Evolution of Ice Cover Roughness
The formation of an ice cover on a river results in an increase of stage relative to open water stages at the same discharge. Due to the formation process, especially for freeze-up ice...

Ice Jam Configuration: Second Generation Model
An early model of ice jam configuration in wide, prismatic channels is generalized for applications to natural streams. Test runs are carried out to illustrate model performance and study...

Analysis of Waterbody Surface Heat Exchange
The Edinger-Duttweiler-Geyer (EDG) approach for estimating heat exchange at a water surface was examined and its applicability to ice-covered waterbodies determined. The EDG linearized...

Heat Exchange at the Ice/Water Interface on Flowing Water
Any time the water flowing under an ice cover has a temperature above freezing, there is an exchange of heat between the water and the ice. Earlier work by Ashton and others provided adequate...

A Two-Dimensional Surface Drift Model for River Ice
A two-dimensional surface drift model for river ice with low ice discharge conditions is presented. The model is applied to the Grass Island Pool area of the Niagara River and compared...





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