When to Connect Your New Supply
The use of risk analysis is important to a water utility. The economic losses to the local economy as a result of water shortages can be astronomical. On the other hand, the high rates...

Water Supply Uncertainties with Federal Permitting
Providing water in a semiarid region has historically been one of the most important responsibilities of government. This task was made more difficult by the uncertainties involved with...

Uncertainties in Planning Inter-Agency Water Supply Transfers
San Francisco Water Department, facing a possible fifth year of drought, purchased surplus water from the Placer County Water Agency and arranged for wheeling of the water through State...

Urban Drainage Design Potpourri: Avoiding Pitfalls
In the process of mastering various methods or programs used to estimate storm runoff and flow rates, fundamental principles can be overlooked or even misunderstood. Discussed herein are...

Development of a Prioritization Tool for Multimedia Enforcement
This paper describes a decision support system developed for the Environmental Protection Agency that assists their staff in the prioritization of resources for the enforcement of multi-media...

Emerging Markets for System Engineering
System engineering provides a double edged sword for those involved in water resources development and management. The tools used in the analysis and development of complex water resource...

Water Supply and Sanitation Policies in Mexico
The National Water Commission (CNA), is the responsible Department for the Governmental Water Division in Mexico. Within the National Potable Water Supply and Sanitation Program, the Commission...

Water Supply and Sanitation Strategies in Mexico
The Mexican Federal Government has started the National Potable Water Supply and Sanitation Program. In the latter part of 1991, there will be a change concerning acceptance of projects...

Integrating Water Conservation Into Water Supply Planning
Consideration of water demand reduction strategies is increasingly important in water resources planning. Although more research is needed to improve the reliability of water savings data,...

Effectiveness of Demand Management Strategies
Good quality water is a valuable resource that should be used wisely. It is necessary that water supply authorities develop water conservation plans. In order to develop a water conservation...

Water Demand Management: Perspectives of a Raw Water Provider
The Salt River Project (SRP) is a major power and raw water provider in the Phoenix metropolitan area. SRP provides raw water for municipal, industrial, urban irrigation, and agricultural...

Demand Management in New York City
The paper discusses the New York City municipal waater supply system and the various methods being utilized to reduce aggregate demand. Subjects covered include water consumption, metering,...

Using Climate Model Output to Assess the Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources
The use of general circulation models (GCMs) to provide climate data for regional assessments of the impacts of changing climate on water resources stretches the limits of what the models...

Guidelines for Water-Resource Planning under Cliamte Change
This study combines the use of several standard tools of hydrology (synthetic hydrology, flood risk analysis, reservoir simulation) with newer considerations of increased demand for water...

Regional Water Supply Development in the SWFWMD
Regional water supply authorities have been formed within the Southwest Florida Water Management District in an effort to meet growing water demands of a rapidly expanding population....

Regional Water Supply Management in Southern New Hampshire
This paper presents the findings and recommendations of the Southern New Hamsphire Water Supply Study regarding regional water supply management in the study area. The study area includes...

Regional Water-Supply Development and CWA Section 404
Regional water-supply development is generally promoted because of potential cost savings and improved system management, but regionalization may also provide an opportunity to reduce...

Decision Support System for Water Supply Planning
A decision support system (DSS) has been developed to assist water use planners and technical staff of the Southwest Florida Water Management District in choosing appropriate supply alternatives...

A Comparison of Accuracies of Steady Water Surface Profiles
The author compares the effect of varying boundary conditions and cross sectional spacing on one dimensional steady water surface profiles. Six streams are modeled using both the 10 and...

Use of Models in Water Resource Systems: CRSS Experience
The Colorado River Simulation System (CRSS) is an in-house governmental computer-based model designed to be used as a decision support tool in performing long and mid range planning and...





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