Hydraulic Aspects of West Delaware Tunnel Hydroelectric Development
Construction of a 7,500 kilowatt hydroelectric plant at the end of a 70 kilometer long water supply tunnel posed unusual hydraulic conditions that needed special consideration. Cooperation...

Physical Hydraulic Modeling for Construction of New York State Dam Hydroelectric Project
The New York State Dam is located on the Mohawk River near its confluence with the Hudson River. Downstream from the dam, the river flow is divided into four main channels as the water...

Field Tests of a Lewiston Pump-Generating Unit
An extensive field test program was undertaken on a Lewiston Pump-Generating Plant (LPGP) unit at the Niagara Power Project, owned and operated by the New York Power Authority. The objective...

Hydraulic Transients in the Operation of Small Hydro Plants
Adequate governing stability is a primary consideration for most large hydroelectric generating units. However, almost all small units installed recently in the United States are intended...

Penstock Monitoring System in Active Landslide Areas
During initial planning of a high-head, five megawatt hydroelectric plant in Northern California, it was identified that the entire three-mile length of a 40 inches welded steel penstock...

Operations and Maintenance Manual for Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project
Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project is located on the Kenai Peninsula of Alaska. The project consists of two 63 MVA turbine-generators fed via a single 3.5-mile-long penstock. The water...

Dardanelle Turbines
The Dardanelle turbines located at river mile 205.5 of the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System, are experiencing an unusual amount of wear in the blade trunnion bushings. Oil...

The Unusual History of a Flowline Canal Within a Reservoir
This paper discusses the history of and remedial repairs to a flowline canal which carries water from the headwater of Lake Isabella in California to Southern California Edison Company's...

Hydro Plant Modernization and Uprating
The paper suggests that the method to achieve desirable hydropower benefits at costs lower than for new thermal projects, is through systematic modernization and upgrading of older hydro...

Robert Moses Procurement and Model Tests ? A Contractor's Perspective
This paper discusses (1) the need to provide realistic cost/benefit evaluation criteria in turbine bid specifications and (2) the benefits of competitive model testing. Recent procurement...

Rehabilitation of the Historic Ocoee 1 Hydro Power Plant
The Ocoee 1 Hydro Plant is located on the Ocoee River 16 miles east of Cleveland, Tennessee. Built by the East Tennessee Power Company, it was placed in commercial operation in 1912. There...

Development of an Eicher Screen at the Elwha Dam Hydroelectric Project
The Eicher Screen is a relatively new concept for screening juvenile fish out of hydroelectric turbine penstocks. The concept was developed by Mr. George Eicher and one was recently installed...

Hydroacoustic Evaluation of Deep and Shallow Spill as a Bypass Mechanism for Downstream Migrating Salmon at Rock Island Dam on the Columbia River
Hydroacoustic data were collected on downstream migrating juvenile salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) during the springs of 1983 and 1984, and summer 1990 at Rock Island Dam on the Columbia River...

Sediment Removal from Sand Hills Aqua Farms Using a Sediment Evacuation Pipeline System
Reservoir sedimentation continues to deplete the world's reservoirs of valuable storage capacity. Several reservoir sediment removal techniques have been successful in regaining...

Decision Support for Colorado River Operations
The United States Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) uses a simulation model known as the 24-month Study Model for planning monthly and seasonal operations for the Colorado River Basin....

Development of Hanford Site Lysimeter Facilities
Lysimeters have been constructed at the Hanford Site near Richland, Washington to quantify mechanisms that affect migration of radioactive and hazardous waste in geologic media. The history...

Lysimeter Use in Water Rights Determination
In the Western United States, a water right (the legal right to divert water from a stream) is a property right. The impact a water right has upon a stream is commonly defined through...

Direct Load Cell-Based Weighing Lysimeter System
A low-cost weighing lysimeter system is described which is capable of measuring evapotranspiration with an accuracy of 0.05-0.10 mm. A two-lysimeter system with electronic data logger...

Water Balance Lysimetry at a Nuclear Waste Site
Lysimeters measure effects of soil, vegetation, and climate on water balance and groundwater recharge at a nuclear-waste site in arid-southcentral Washington State, USA. Data from 4 lysimeter...

Small Lysimeters for Documenting Arid Site Water Balance
Small weighing lysimeters consisting of plastic pipes with lifting and drainage fittings were installed at the arid U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Hanford Site in southcentral Washington...





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