Lateral Analysis of Drilled Piers Incorporating Soil Variability
In probabilistic studies, the mean or expected value of the parameter in question, along with its measured dispersion or standard deviation, are determined. In this study the Three Point...

A Stochastic Model for Low-Cycle Elastic-Plastic Fatigue Crack Growth
In this paper a stochastic process approach is considered to represent the random nature of the low-cycle (elastic-plastic) fatigue crack growth process. A semi-Markov renewal model is...

Recent Thoughts on Probabilistic Fatigue Crack Growth
We briefly review recent results of analysis of fatigue crack growth data. Implications of this analysis are presented, and reasons are advanced in favor of increasing the dimension of...

Modeling Fatigue Crack Growth Resistance, dN/da
In the fracture mechanics approach to fatigue, da/dN is correlated with the cyclic range of the stress intensity factor, ?K; the resulting relation, da/dN=f (?K), is commonly called the...

Stochastic Modeling of Fatigue Crack Growth
A new lognormal fatigue crack propagation model has been presented in which a two-dimensional state vector has been employed to introduce experimentally observed history dependence of...

Load-Sharing and Reliability of Wood Systems
A methodology for the study of reliability of light-frame wood structural systems is presented. Reliability levels associated with the bending strength limit state of such systems are...

Development of Bridge Design Code
Load and resistance parameters for bridges involve uncertainties due to natural randomness, imperfect models or human errors. Because of these uncertainties, absolute reliability is not...

Application of Bayesian Methods to a Geotechnical Site Investigation in Mississippi
In 1981, the Army Corps of Engineers constructed an ammunition storage area at Bay St. Louis, Mississippi. This storage area is part of the Mississippi Army Ammunition Plant (MSAAP). Prior...

Pore Pressure Development: Probability Analysis
The development and subsequent dissipation of excess pore pressure, p in a soil deposit subject to an external load is examined using probability concepts that account for uncertainties...

Probabilistic Prediction of Mixed Mode Fracture Initiation and Trajectory Under Random Stresses
Methods are developed for estimating crack trajectory and the probability of crack initiation in mixed mode fracture. The analysis is based on a computer program for deterministic fracture...

Dependence of Fatigue Damage on Loading Amplitude Variability
Welded steel specimens have been tested under variable amplitude loadings to determine the extent to which fatigue life is affected by the rate of amplitude variability of the loading...

Fracture Mechanics Fatigue Reliability Assessment Employing the Most Probable Point Locus Method
The statistical distribution of cycle life, N, could be easily constructed if N were an explicit function of the design factors. A simple strategy for constructing the distribution of...

Polyhedral Substitute Yield Conditions in Plastic Reliability Analysis
The method of invariant linear combinations of linearly associated lower bound safety margins is used for constructing upper bound approximations of the generalized reliability index with...

Methods to Estimate Parametric Sensitivity in Structural Reliability Analysis
Many different approaches are used in structural system reliability to estimate the probability of failure. In this paper, methods to obtain the sensitivity to the distribution parameters...

On the Evaluation of System Reliability Through Automatic Generation of Failure Modes
This paper proposes a method for the evaluation of structural failure probability taking into account all the potential failure modes. At first, the failure paths to produce failure modes...

Fatigue Reliability and Inspection in Redundant Structural Systems
The reliability of redundant structural systems under fatigue including updating by inspection is studied using two different formulations, i.e., the stress intensity space and the crack...

Upper-Bound Estimate of the Reliability of Plastic Slabs
This paper gives a brief presentation of some recent results on probabilistic analysis of plastic slabs, especially reinforced concrete slabs. The estimate of the reliability of such slabs...

Statistics of Concrete Shrinkage Test Data
The paper reports a large series of concrete shrinkage tests which can be used for statistical purposes. The series involves two groups of 36 identical cylindrical specimens, with a diameter...

Reliability Based Analysis of Contact Problems
The S.B. Batdorf model is modified to include the reduction in shear due to the effect of compressive stresses on the crack face. This new formulation was used to obtain the probability...

Effects of Random Material Properties and Loads
The variability of slab deflections is estimated from analytical expressions accounting for random variations of spatially distributed loads and material properties (stiffness parameters)....





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