Transportation Management in the Anacostia Waterfront Washington, D.C.
The Anacostia Waterfront is a 500 acre land mass located approximately one-half mile from the U.S. Capitol. This area includes a U.S. Army facility (Ft. McNair), a U.S. Navy facility (the...

Evacuation Modeling Near a Chemical Stockpile Site
Dynamic evacuation modeling was used as an aid in emergency response planning by Tooele County, Utah, location of the United States' largest stockpile of unitary chemical weapons, The...

Defining Traffic Impacts of Redevelopment
Developers have proposed to replace the existing, defunct Old Mill Specialty Retail Center with a primarily residential project. The balance of the Old Mill site will consist of smaller...

Are Existing Traffic Methodologies Realistic?
Several issues that will need to be addressed in the development of national uniform guidelines for Traffic Impact Statements (TIS) are discussed. A standard TIS preparation methodology...

The Traffic Impact Study and Traffic Impact Fees
The Traffic Impact Study (TIS) identifies roadway improvements, and roadway improvement costs, which are required to adequately serve total traffic volumes after completion of a particular...

Modeling Transport and Fate of Micropollutants in Coastal Waters
In order to assess rate and risk of pollution of coastal waters, attention should be given to the input of pollutants, the transport of pollutants, the transfer of pollution between water...

Sensitivity of Flow and Salt Transport to Uncertainties at Open Boundaries: A 3-D Experience
Understanding the transport due to tidal and sub-tidal exchange processes enables many environmental issues in estuarine systems to be addressed. To achieve this goal, a reliable numerical...

Coastal Engineering Practice
This proceedings contains 70 papers presented at the American Society of Civil Engineers Specialty Conference Coastal Engineering Practice '92 held at Long Beach, California,...

Guidelines for Rehabilitation of Civil Works of Hydroelectric Plants
The Guidelines for Rehabilitation of Civil Works of Hydroelectric Plants was produced by the Task Committee of the Hydropower Committee of...

The Last Freeway
Ever since what's now known as the Pasadena Freeway was completed in 1940, Los Angeles has been synonymous with the freeway�first with the ease and speed of transport it represented...

Capturing Capital
Over the past few years, the environmental engineering and consulting business has become capital intensive. Between 1991 and 1993, firms' incremental capital needs will total...

Adding Up Admixtures
The importance of preventive maintenance and lifecycle costs has put added emphasis on concrete performance. For many specifiers, chemical admixtures, added to concrete at the batch plant,...

Sydney Airport International Terminal Development
The existing International Terminal at Sydney (Kingsford Smith) Airport-KSA-is overcrowded and providing a low level of service. Planning for an expanded facility catering for KSA needs...

Urban Development on Alluvial Fans
An increasing number of developments has been planned in areas subject to flood hazards. To protect developments from flood damage and to prevent accumulated negative effects on floodplains,...

The Future Role of Factory Built Housing
For most of this century, and particularly around 1970 as epitomized by Operation Breakthrough, the concept of transitioning the US housing industry from stick-by-stick field building...

Land Development Regulations: Roadblock to Affordable Housing
Land development regulations in the State of New Jersey have been utilized to control development since the mid-1970's. The demand for affordable housing in the state is reaching a critical...

Housing Opportunity or Social Engineering Implementing the Jobs-Housing Relationship?The Town of Wellington Experience
The proposed Town of Wellington project in Palm Beach County, Florida, was planned based on the needs related to the jobs-housing relationship identified in the area. The conditions placed...

Opportunities for Improved Transportation Planning
The approaches, technical procedures, and analytical methodologies utilized for urban transportation planning need to be improved if the intent of the 1990 amendments to the Clean Air...

Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission's Anticipated Response to the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990
By virtue of its charter to provide continuing, cooperative and comprehensive planning, the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) has a commitment to adopt and maintain...

The Clean Air Act: Opportunities for the Transit Industry
The 1990 Federal Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) have opened up new opportunities for transit agencies, especially those in large urban areas with the worst air pollution problems. The...





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