Adapting BMPs to California Hydrology and Climatology
The State of California has the most diverse hydrology and climatology in the United States. It boasts the highest and lowest elevations in the continental U.S. and annual rainfall varies...

GIS-Integrated Surface Hydrology System
A GIS-based stormwater management system has been developed for the Pasco County Board of County Commissioners. The model draws all spacial data including watershed parameters, network...

Water Resources Management Using a Geographic Information System over a Wide Area Network
To assist in the management of water resources in the Santa Ana River Basin, in Southern California, the Bureau of Reclamation in Denver, Colorado and the Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority...

Design and Analysis of an Irrigation Pond Using Urban Stormwater Runoff
Stormwater held in detention ponds can be reused for irrigation. A simulation of a mass balance on pond storage volume using rainfall and evaporation data for selected areas is presented...

Combined Sewer Overflow Abatement by Means of Detention Basins and Stormwater Infiltration
The conventional approach to abate the pollution loads from combined sewer overflows (CSO's) is to include detention basins. The same reduction in CSO loads may be obtained by infiltrating/percolating...

A Log-Triangular Design Hyetograph for Stormwater Management
A method is developed to generate a log-triangular design hyetograph from historical rainfall data. The method considers the characteristics from other commonly used methods for design...

Performance of Stormwater Ponds and Wetland Systems
The use of stormwater pond and wetland systems to improve the quality of urban stormwater runoff has become an increasingly important strategy to protect streams in developing areas. This...

Ecological Concerns of Regional vs. On-site Facilities
New federal stormwater regulations are ushering in a second generation of stormwater BMP's. Traditionally designed to achieve quantity control, BMP's are now being evaluated for their...

Watershed-Wide Stormwater Management Planning Issues
Pennsylvania counties are responsible for basinwide stormwater management planning under the Stormwater Management Act of 1978. The predominant engineering technique employed within these...

Comprehensive Stormwater Management Planning
Prince William County, Virginia and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region III, are implementing an interagency, interdisciplinary stormwater management demonstration project....

Characterizing Storm Water Discharges for NPDES Management
A continuous simulation runoff yield analysis model is described which can be used to estimate runoff from any type of land use within a watershed. Such a model can be used to derive statistical...

Practical Experience in the Probabilistic Based Management of Large Water Resources Systems
Probabilistic tools to assist with the management of large water resource systems in South Africa were developed and applied during the last decade. Acceptance today is not only due to...

Model Structure Validation in Groundwater Modeling
Structure equivalence models (SEM), a new concept in groundwater modeling, have been developed to assist in groundwater planning and management. Using SEM, the engineer is able to satisfy...

Decision Support System for Water Supply Management
Water supply management is one area in which subjective decision making becomes necessary. Knowledge based decision support system is proposed for use in operation and management of an...

Sophisticated Computer Tools for Water Management
Sophisticated new computer tools were applied to develop a water management plan for Nassau County, Long Island. A regional groundwater flow model and two 3-dimensional saltwater intrusion...

The Computer-Assisted Design of Multi-Ponds in Series for Stormwater Management
When a site's topography prohibits the installation of a single stormwater management pond, the drainage system can be integrated with multi-ponds in series. A computer program written...

Development of an Expert System for Urban Runoff
The U.S. EPA's Storm Water Management Model, SWMM, (Version 4.20, 1988) is a comprehensive water quality and quantity mathematical model for simulation of urban runoff in storm and combined...

Urban Wetlands for Multi-Disciplinary Stormwater Management
The evaluation of a stormwater management wetlands facility, from conceptual planning stages to final construction and operation, involves the interaction of many disciplines and agencies....

Petrochemical Facility Stormwater Management?A Case Study
As an integral part of a study to develop a combined wastewater treatment system for petrochemical facilities, comprehensive hydrological studies were performed prior to the detailed design...

Orange River?System Analysis
The Orange River drains the largest basin in Africa south of the Zambezi with a total catchment area of approximately 1 million km2. Due to the increasing...





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