Description and Evaluation of Program: USM
USM was developed by the USBR for simulating unsteady flow conditions in canals with either manual or automatic gate operation. This paper describes the model and discusses the relative...

Description and Evaluation of Program: CARIMA
The CARIMA code simulates unsteady free-surface flow in simple or multiply connected systems of rivers or canals. The simulation uses the Preissmann implicit finite-difference method for...

Surface Water/Groundwater Interaction Studies
Studies were performed on a high elevation (2440 meters or 8000 feet) valley stream system and a high (1980 meters or 6500 feet) cold desert stream system in Wyoming, to analyze the surface...

Multiobjective Decision Theory ? Decision Support Systems with Embedded Simulation Models
The concepts of multiobjective decision making utilizing embedded computer simulation models and dimensionless scoring functions are described in the context of a decision support system...

Stream Water Quality Modeling in Ankara Metropolitan Area
At the time this study was undertaken, untreated wastewaters from Ankara metropolitan area (capital of Turkish Republic) were being discharged directly into Ankara Creek and its tributaries....

A Study of a Flood Control Levee Swamp System
In an attempt to reconstruct the events of the more than 100-year 1987 New Year's Eve storm that occurred on Oahu, Hawaii, an analysis of a complicated overland flow phenomenon...

Cal Poly Model Canal
The Cal Poly Model Canal (located at the Water Delivery Facility, Irrigation Training and Research Center, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA) was built to accommodate...

Modelling Automatic Upstream Control with SIMCAR
The model SIMCAR solves the gradually varied unsteady flow in a branched canal network with upstream control, with particular attention given to the simulation of the AMIL radial gates....

Future Needs for Unsteady Flow Canal Models
The ASCE task committee on 'Irrigation Canal System Hydraulic Modeling' examined a number of the computer programs available for simulating unsteady open-channel...

Effects of Uranium Mining, Puerco River, New Mexico
Effluent from uranium-mine dewatering and acidic water released by a tailings-pond dike failure increased radionuclide activities in streamflow in the Puerco River in New Mexico and Arizona....

Geochemical Mass-Balance in a Small Forested Watershed in Southwestern Pennsylvania
An intensive hydrologic investigation of the North Fork Bens Creek Watershed on Laurel Hill in southwestern Pennsylvania was made during 1984-85. Precipitation was sampled weekly, and...

Use of Stable Isotopes, Tritium, Soluble Salts, and Redox-Sensitive Elements to Distinguish Ground Water from Irrigation Water in the Salton Sea Basin
Evaporative concentration of irrigation water diverted from the Colorado River to the Salton Sea basin for several decades has produced an overlying system (that includes drainwater and...

Irrigation Delivery Design with Parameter and Objective Uncertainty
This paper investigates the effects of uncertainty in the design of hydraulic structures in an open-channel system for irrigation water delivery. Uncertainty due to ambiguity in the values...

Multicriterion Strategic Planning for Improved Irrigation Delivery Performance
An approach for assessing alternative strategies for improving an irrigation water delivery system in the context of multiple planning criteriais applied to the Alamosa River and La Jara...

Enhanced Canal System Scheduling Using a PC
The Bureau of Reclamation (the Bureau) and Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) are promoting water conservation through the development of computer software to enhance accounting and...

The NPUSM (Narmada) Model for Modeling Canal Flows
The NPUSM computer program was developed for the analysis of unsteady flows in canals with various types of canal structures to evaluate the Narmada Canal system in Gujarat, India. The...

Ground Water Impacts from Irrigated Ridge-Tillage
The Northern Cornbelt Sand Plain Project is a cooperative research effort between the State Agricultural Experiment Stations, USDA/Agricultural Research Service and U.S. Geological Survey...

Management, Operation and Maintenance of Irrigation and Drainage Systems (Manual No. 74)
Manual No. 74, Management, Operation and Maintenance of Irrigation and Drainage Systems, is an updated version of an earlier manual published by the American Society of Civil Engineers...

Transportation of Cities' Colorado River Water in the Salt River Project's Canal System
Cities in the Phoenix, Arizona, metropolitan area have contracted with the Central Arizona Water Conservation District to take delivery of Colorado River water. Many of their water treatment...

Impact of Farming Systems on Water Quality in Iowa
Increased detection of nitrate and pesticides in surface and ground water has prompted concern about the impact of farming systems on water quality. A number of studies have been incorporated...





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