Analysis of Scour Problems at Louisiana Bridges
An ongoing project to automate the monitoring of scour measurements at Louisiana bridge sites is discussed. The data at selected bridges is digitized and put into computer files for analysis....

Cellular-Automata for Hydrodynamic Modeling
A two-dimensional fluid continuum system can be modeled using a discrete field of particles that interact according to simple deterministic rules. The methodology is called Cellular Automata....

Reliability Analysis of Pumping Stations and Storage Facilities
The methodology presented for pumping stations is based upon three models: a supply model, a demand model, and a margin model. The supply model considers so-called states of a system which...

Modeling the Effect of Weirs on Reservoir Releases
A computer model was developed to examine the influence of weirs on the rise of water levels and increases in velocities from reservoir releases. The model allows for investigation of...

The idea that model testing could be useful in planning for the control of water in rivers and other waterways received little support in this country until John R. Freeman's...

Uncertainty in Models for Environmental Management
In recent years, computer models have become increasingly popular as tools to aid the decision-maker in balancing complex, interacting factors in environmental management and pollution...

Capacity Expansion of Water Distribution Systems?A Case Study
Capacity expansion and necessary capital improvements to meet the water supply demand for years 1990-2020 for the U. S. Route 1 corridor development from South Brunswick to Princeton,...

Developing a User Friendly System for Water Distribution Management Applications
A hydraulic computer model of a water distribution system that can be updated with current billing (customer meter readings) information automatically. The model was calibrated with field...

Pipe Network Analysis on a Microcomputer
This paper reports on experience gained with the use of commercially available software for pipe network analysis. This information may be helpful to water system managers and consulting...

Input Programs for Engineering Applications
This paper discusses several input program types and the data structures associated with them. Two input programs were designed for KYPIPEF to demonstrate the use of files of records and...

Accuracy of Computed Water Surface Profiles
Stream cross-sectional geometry obtained from aerial surveys (aerial spot elevations and topographic maps) that conform to mapping industry standards are more accurate than is often recognized....

Effects of Land Subsidence on Flood Profiles
In this study, the effects of land subsidence on water-surface elevation and depth profiles during flood conditions were investigated for a large, hypothetical, slope-controlled stream....

Comparison of Some River Discharge Calculation Methods
To measure the discharge of a river, it is necessary to develop a stage-discharge curve based on water velocity at various cross sections of the river. This is the method which is used...

Evaluting the General Well Function
The closest thing to a mathematical function that maps well discharge to drawdown has been Jacob's equation, caled the step-drawdown equation. However, this equation assumes the drawdown...

On the Selection of Sediment Transport Equations
Existing sediment transport relationships have been calibrated under a certain range of experimental conditions which can be described by the dimensionless grain size, the mobility number,...

Computational Modeling of Sediment Transport in Kachemak Bay
The tide-generated flow circulation in the Kachemak Bay of Alaska was simulated numerically using the Multi-Leveled Finite Element Model originally developed by Kawahara of Japan and recently...

Calculating Runaway Pressure Surges in Small Hydro Units
Determination of the runaway speed and concomitant pressure surges requires consideration of both the turbine rotodynamics and the waterhammer equations. In this paper a simplified method...

Stream Width Adjustment to Upstream Loading
Channel width adjustments takes place either by fluvial erosion or accretion of the banks, or by their mass failure under gravity and subsequent removal of the slump debris. Simulation...

PC MODEL BRESSED for Stochastic Prediction of Reservoir Sedimentation
A stochastic flow-storage/sediment-deposition model was written in BASIC with userfriendly features. It is an augmented version of the FORTRAN program RESSED (REServoir SEDimentation)...

Sediment Routing and Stream Bed Evolution Model
A one-dimensional numerical model developed by Borah, Alonso and Prasad is discussed, improved and tested. The model named STREAM routes graded sediments and simulates aggradation, degradation...





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