More Power to the Allegheny?Design of the Allegheny 8 & 9 Hydroelectric Stations
The 13 MW Allegheny 8 Hydroelectric Station and the 17 MW Allegheny 9 Hydroelectric Station are located on the Allegheny River in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The generating facilities...

The PEC Headworks Project?A Cooperative Hydropower Development
The PEC Headworks Project is a single-unit hydroelectric facility located at the headworks of the Potholes East Canal at O'Sullivan Dam on the Potholes reservoir near Moses...

Lake Siskiyou Power Project
The Lake Siskiyou Power Project was constructed at the foot of the existing Box Canyon Dam on the Sacramento River in Northern California. Major project features included the construction...

Private Hydropower Projects: Exporting the American Experience
This paper addresses different aspects of exporting the American knowledge and experience in the private development of small-scale hydropower projects. It details the 'export'...

Net and Hydroacoustic Monitoring of Fish Passage
In 1986 EPRI published a review of available fish protection technologies for use at hydroelectric facilities. One major conclusion of that study was that fish protection systems were...

AgriMet/Hydromet?Satellite Telemetry Meeting Water Management Challenges in the Pacific Northwest
In the hydropower-rich Pacific Northwest (approximately 70% of total regional load served), water resource agencies such as the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) and the Bonneville...

Screening Data with an Expert System (PDAS)
The performance of a three-mile long penstock, constructed in an active landslide area in northern California, is monitored using 138 vibrating wire-strain gauges. Readings are taken daily,...

Load/Resource Matching for Period-of-Record Computer Simulation
The Southwestern Power Administration (Southwestern), an agency of the Department of Energy, is responsible for marketing the power and energy produced at Federal hydroelectric power projects...

Computer Modeling of Reservoir Sedimentation and Sluicing
A recently developed computer program which simulates the evolution, growth, and movement of a submerged delta in reservoirs was tested for Spencer Dam and Reservoir in Nebraska. The code,...

The Wisconsin River System Operations Model: WIRSOM
The passage of the Electric Consumers Protection Act of 1986 requires the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to give equal consideration to non-power as well as power values in hydroelectric...

A Flow Forecasting System for Hydro Power
The flow forecasting system comprises a network of meteorological stations, a weather forecasting model, and a watershed hydrologic model, implemented in a microcomputer. The meteorological...

Digital Governor Application ? Bradley Lake Project
The Bradley Lake Project has two impulse turbines rated at 60 MW each to provide power to the Railbelt region of Alaska. Solid state digital governors are utilized to respond to system...

Ferroresonance & the Snettisham Hydroelectric Project
Key system features of the Snettisham power plant in Alaska will be highlighted along with a discussion of the operational problems encountered due to a ferroresonant condition. The project...

Varying Generator Excitation to Control Draft Tube Surge
The Bureau of Reclamation recently experimented with varying the excitation applied to a hydroelectric generator to control power swings caused by draft tube surging in a Francis turbine....

Dam Safety Hydrologic and Seismic Evaluation of TVA'S Beech Dam
Beech Dam is part of the Beech River watershed resource development located in Decatur and Henderson counties in west Tennessee. The development consists of eight dams and approximately...

Rocky Mountain Project Seepage Cutoff in Solutioned Limestone
The right abutment of the main closure dam for the Rocky Mountain Project required extensive treatment of deeply weathered shale and solutioned limestone to assure control of seepage and...

Potholes East Canal Headworks Project
The construction of 6.5 MW Potholes East Canal Headworks in Washington required near vertical excavation of about 100 ft (30 m) through the existing earthfill dam founded on columnar basalt....

Rocky Mountain Project Power Tunnel Filling Test
The Rocky Mountain Project, a pumped storage development located in NW Georgia, is owned jointly by Oglethorpe Power Corporation and Georgia Power Company. Initial construction included...

Satellite Imagery Refines PMF Determination
This paper focuses on electromagnetic energy sensors, and describes how they are being used to determine the Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) for a drainage basin in Michigan. Remote sensing...

Rocky Mountain Project?Probable Maximum Floods
Probable maximum floods (PMF's) were estimated for use in designing spillways for the lower reservoir main dam and two auxiliary pool dams at the Rocky Mountain pumped-storage...





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