Modelling Changes in Coastal Morphology
A description is given of a newly-developed coastal sediment transport model. Features of the model are the inclusion of cross-shore transport and non-potential suspended load, the latter...

Channel Entrenchment Along the Post Creek Cutoff in Southern Illinois
The Post Creek Cutoff was constructed in 1915 by the Cache River Drainage Commission to divert flow from the Upper Cache River to the Ohio River. The construction of the cutoff reduced...

Using Sediment-Threshold Theories in Waves and Currents
Fundamentally different threshold-of-motion theories were applied to sand transport in two different coastal environments. Several recommendations for threshold application were reached....

The Beginning of Sediment Transport as a Probability-Problem
Sediment transport only takes place when the action of flow (shear stress, velocity) exceeds a critical value. The limit between rest and movement can be given as critical flow velocity,...

The Relationship of Milligrams Per Liter to Parts Per Million
Derivations of the relationships between mg/l and ppm are presented. Although forms of these relationships can be found in scattered references, the author's intent is to...

The Computation of Total Sediment Transport in View of Changed Input Parameters
The sediment transport phenomenon is one of the most difficult fields in water research. Due to the numerous parameters and various interactions among them several theoretical-empirical...

On the Coexistence of Bedload and Suspended Transport for a Uniform Grainsize Material
A sensitivity analysis and an experimental verification have been made to assess the validity of the equations that describe the sediment transport in non-equilibrium conditions, when...

STUDH: A Two-Dimensional Numerical Model for Sediment Transport
TABS-2 water level and flow computations are performed by the generalized numerical model program RMA-2V; salinity and tracer transport computations are performed with RMA-4, and sediment...

Total Sediment Load Calculations for Goodwin Creek
Total sediment transport load of Goodwin Creek was calculated for the period from 10/1/84 to 9/30/88 using transport relations derived from sample data for the fines (< 0.06 mm),...

Soil Erosion, Sediment Yield, and Deposition in the Illinois River Basin
The amount of soil erosion of the Illinois River Basin was estimated by using the 1982 National Resources Inventory (NRI) and the Illinois Geographic Information System (GIS). The sediment...

Convective Sedimentation from a Stable Turbid Layer
A set of experiments was conducted to test T Green's criterion for the existence of double-diffusive convective motions at an originally sharp, horizontal interface separating...

Intrusion of Turbid Water into a Two-Layer Stratified Environment
The horizontal intrusion of a turbid water with some intermediate density spreading on the interface of a two-layered homogeneous body of water is investigated. The study is directed towards...

Scour Protection at the Straight Drop Spillway
Tests were conducted to determine the scour and the effect of tailwater on scour downstream of the straight drop spillway stilling basin. Preliminary results are presented on performance...

CORMIX1: Expert System for Mixing Zone Analysis of Pollutant Discharges Into the Water Environment
The Cornell Mixing Zone Expert System (CORMIX) is an integrated software package for the analysis, prediction, and design of aqueous toxic or conventional pollutant discharges into watercourses....

Relief of an Urban Storm Drainage System
The Peaks Branch storm sewer system was designed in the 1930s to drain 5.7 square miles of East Dallas. Subsequently, development blocked the emergency overflow paths and many areas are...

Convergence Experiments with a Hydrodynamic Model of Port Royal Sound, South Carolina
A two-demensional, depth-averaged, finite-difference, flow/transport model, SIM2D, is being used to simulate tidal circulation and transport in the Port Royal Sound, South Carolina, estuarine...

The Use of Distributed Rainfall-Runoff Models Based on GIS at Different Scales of Information
The effects of spatial variability of soil type and land use on basin response are investigated. This is modelled thorugh a distributed approach specifically designed for calibration from...

SWMM Application in Indian River County, Florida
The EPA's Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) was used to simulate drainage canal system network within Indian River County, Florida. Runoff and Extran module of the PCSWMM...

Climate Change and U.S. Water Resources: Results from a Study by the American Association for Advancement of Science
The time horizon of the changes that might occur is similar to the time required for planning, approval, funding, construction and economic life of such major water facilities as dams,...

Special Hydraulic Problems Related to Coastal Louisiana Drainage Systems
The urbanized coastal areas of southeast Louisiana present unique problems for hydraulic engineers. These problems relate to the design of drainage systems serving leveed areas with flat...





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