Engineering Education: An Update
ASCE held an engineering education conference in April, 1985, entitled, Educators and Practitioners�Where Are We Going? Participants agreed that a greater interchange is beneficial between...

Construction-Induced Dynamic Pressure and Corresponding Impact Factors for Pipelines
The Bureau of Reclamation, U. S. Department of the Interior, conducted a study which measured pressure exerted by construction scrapers on a rigid, buried, instrumented concrete slab....

Metal and Plastic Pipelines: Design and Construction Aspects
This paper discusses design and construction aspects of four cross-country pipelines that were built in central Alberta, Canada during 1982-1983. The first two pipelines, carrying different...

Successful Use of Trench Box in Sewer Line Construction
Faced with the problems of ever increasing construction costs, more and more methods are being employed in an attempt to keep expenses to a minimum without sacrificing the quality of construction...

Sewer Construction Inspection and Testing
Sewer construction testing is the final portion of the team effort that started with the goal of meeting the requirement for a sewer system for the protection of health and environment....

Unique Installation Methods for Large Interceptor in Poor Soil Conditions
The construction of approximately 1. 5 miles of a major sewer interceptor in downtown Boston encountered some unique construction challenges. The entire route required dewatering during...

Experiences in Concrete Pipeline Construction in Ontario 158-1985
The paper discusses the title subject in terms of concrete pipe fabrication methods and plants, pipe jointing and jointing materials, and construction experiences in the Province of Ontario,...

Simplified Stress and Deformation Analysis for Pipeline Construction
This paper discusses the strength and deformation behavior of flexible steel pipes during pipeline construction. Some possible simple and quick solutions to these special design and construction...

Unique Utilization of a Physical Model to Develop a Construction Sequence of a Major Cofferdam
Lock and Dam 26 Replacement is being constructed on the Mississippi River about 2 miles downstream of the existing Locks and Dam No. 26 at Alton, Illinois. This paper discusses the unique...

Application of a Detachable Gondola Ropeway in an Urban Transport Environment: New Orleans, La.
The first United States application of the detachable, monocable, gondola ropeway system as an urban transportation system is presented. The system is the Mississippi Aerial River Transit...

Smart Transit: Better Service in a Wider Range of Applications
An overview of operating people movers is given. For most of the three dozen current systems, institutions other than mass transit agencies have been able to tap the major benefits offered...

Feasibility Assessment, Planning and Programming of Downtown People Mover Installations
Based on the author's personal experience, this paper sets forth suggested guidelines for progressing from initial feasibility studies through implementation of automated...

Cable Propelled People-Movers?An Idea Whose Time Has Come Again
Cable-propelled transportation systems have been in use throughout the world for more than a century. Today, a completely automated cable-propelled transit system has been developed through...

Denver Auraria People Mover
A discussion of a specific Urban Transportation solution to a major automobile parking problem at the Auraria Higher Education Center in Denver is presented. A special focus as to the...

The Aerometro Suspended Rail System
The unique flexibility of the Aerometro Suspended Rail System offers an excellent opportunity for addressing urban transit needs. It is capable of prefabrication off-site, relatively simple...

Joint Use Right-of-Way Agreements for the Miami Metromover System
This paper presents an overview of the right-of-way acquisition process for the Miami automated people mover system (METROMOVER). The cost associated with the acquisition of the necessary...

Design and Construction of Guideway: Vancouver Advanced Light Rapid Transit
The Vancouver Advanced Light Rapid Transit (ALRT), system consists of linear induction motor driven, light-weight cars automatically controlled operating over a 21. 4 km system from downtown...

Shear Stresses in Composite Masonry Walls
The behavior of composite masonry walls subjected to inplane loads is a subject that has received little attention during the last few years. The small amount of experimental and analytical...

Notes on Statistics of Failures of Constructed Works
This paper is concerned with both catastrophic and sub-catastrophic failures, which may be categorized into three types: Safety (type S), Functional (type F), and Ancillary (type A). Often...

Failure Statistics Categorized by Cause and Generic Class
Failures can be classified into the three categories, ie. , SAFETY, FUNCTIONAL, and ANCILLARY. Within the causation definition, failures fall into five general areas: DESIGN DEFICIENCIES;...





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