Wave-Current Interaction at Wells Inlet, Maine
Wells Inlet is a jettied waterway along the southern coast of Maine. Since its initial structuring and dredging for harborage, the inlet has been plagued by severe shoaling. The jetties...

Historical Morphologic Evolution and Sedimentation at Barataria Pass, Louisiana
Barataria Pass, Louisiana, one of the most commercially important tidal inlets in the Gulf of Mexico, has undergone several stages of development since 1840. The shore-parallel growth...

Infragravity Wave Motion in a Tidal Inlet
Infragravity waves (20

Historical Coastal Morphodynamics at St. Marys Entrance and Vicinity, Florida, U.S.A.
St. Marys Entrance is an Atlantic Ocean tidal inlel located on the Florida-Georgia state border. At the end of the nineteenth century rubble-mound jetties were constructed. Large-scale...

Regional Sediment Transport in the Coastal Boundary Layer of the Central Alaskan Beaufort Sea
The characteristics of regional sediment transport in the Central Alaskan Beaufort Sea Coastal Ocean are defined by sources, marine sediment dynamics, and areas of net sedimentation. These...

Regional Beach Sand Volumes of the Pacific Northwest, USA
Eight small littoral cells ranging from 5-60 km in length have been surveyed by beach profiling and seismic refraction to establish active beach sand volumes in the Pacific Northwest region....

Erosion and Accretion Along the Arctic Coast of Alaska: The Influence of Ice and Climate
Coastline comparison on 1951 and 1981 charts to determine erosion and accretion showed that ocean-facing coastal bluffs were retreating while deltas were rapidly expanding. Where the coast...

Large-Scale Coastal Evolution of Louisiana's Barrier Islands
The prediction of large-scale coastal change is an extremely important, but distant goal. Here we describe some of our initial efforts in this direction, using historical bathymetric information...

Sea-Cliff Erosion Along the Oregon Coast
Sea-cliff erosion is a problem along the coast of Oregon in that many communities have been built on terraces affected by bluff retreat. There is considerable coast-wide variability in...

Mechanisms of Coastal Cliff Erosion in Ceredigion, West Wales, UK
Investigation of cliff recession along 20km of the West Wales coastline has recognised erosion processes and mechanisms. Mean contemporary recession rates of 13cm/year have been measured...

Seacliff Retreat and Coarse Sediment Yields in Southern California
Seacliffs are erosional slopes. They form when a receding shoreline impinges on coastal terraces, hills, or mountains. Wave-caused erosion at the base of a seacliff controls its long-term...

Numerical Modelling of Lower Lias Rock Failures in the Coastal Cliffs of South Wales
A model has been developed to evaluate slope failure in the interbedded limestone and mudstone Lower Lias series which outcrop for some 30 km in coastal South Wales. Computer simulation...

Model Testing of Shore Protection Schemes at Surfside-Sunset Beach, CA
A 1:75-scale physical hydraulic model was used to investigate the design of proposed structural modifications at Surfside-Sunset Beach, California, with regard to beach erosion at the...

Movable-Bed Model Study of Storm-Induced Beach Fill Erosion at Ocean City Maryland
Movable-bed physical model scaling guidance has recently been validated for the case of turbulent-dominated sediment transport, such as occurs in the surf zone. The tests successfully...

Coastal Impacts of Hurricane Hugo
During the early morning hours of 22 September 1989, Hurricane Hugo made landfall on the South Carolina Coast. Hugo was a Category 4 hurricane at time of landfall with estimated maximum...

Beach Profile Response to Hurricane Hugo
The impact of hurricane Hugo on the beaches of South Carolina is examined by comparing beach survey data collected during the spring and summer of 1989 with post-storm survey data collected...

Post-Hugo Beach Restoration in South Carolina
Hurricane Hugo caused unprecedented damage and extensive beach erosion in South Carolina on 22 September 1989. One week after Hugo, a plan was prepared to push up an emergency dune along...

Numerical Simulation of Beach Profile Response to Hurricane Hugo
Beach and dune erosion caused by Hurricane Hugo at Myrtle and Debidue Beaches, South Carolina was simulated using an explicit finite-difference cross-shore sand transport numerical mode....

Initial Shoreline Response at the Presque Isle Erosion Control Project
Construction of the Presque Isle Shoreline Erosion Control Project in Lake Erie at Erie, PA began October 1989 and consists of fifty-eight offshore segmented breakwaters with beachfill....

Rehabilitation of the South Jetty-Ocean City, Maryland
The south jetty at Ocean City, Maryland was rebuilt in 1985 to reduce the frequent shoaling in Ocean City Inlet. The project consists of a new jetty offset 30 feet south of the existing...





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