Effect of Gravity on Dynamic Behavior of Beams
Large space structures will be needed to provide structural framework for maintaining relative positions of individual components of systems in low earth orbit. Particularly because of...

Space-Based Control of the Climate
The expected global greenhouse warming of 2 ?C may be reversed by a space-based screen that intercepts 3% of the incident solar radiation. Space-based devices may also mitigate the ozone/UV...

Antarctic Testbed for Extraterrestrial Operation and Technology
A remote and harsh environment, Antarctica has areas which are more similar to the Moon and Mars than anywhere else on Earth. The physical similarities, coupled with strong parallels between...

Hedratecture and Artificial Gravity
There is a need, according to the National Commission On Space, to develop three critical space facilities: A Space Base, A Variable-Gravity Research Facility, and a Lunar Surface Outpost....

Planning Model for Sewer System Rehabilitation
A probabilistic model is developed to simulate long-term variation in the structural condition of wastewater collection systems. The effects of both deterioration and rehabilitation can...

Probabilistic Basis for Managing Maintenance
The paper discusses a procedure based on component failure probabilities, consequences of failure, and risk associated with loss of system. Aging effect of structures and equipment on...

Models for Optimal Maintenance of Hydraulic Structures
Corrective maintenance includes the unscheduled repairs required to return a structure from a failed state to an operating or available state. Corrective maintenance is determined by the...

Reliability Estimation for Vertical Lift Gate at Emsworth Dam
The lift gates are composed of two horizontal trusses, two vertical girders, seven diaphragms, and two end frames. A critical element in the structural integrity of the lift gate is a...

Economic Assessment of Infrastructural Development for the Gurara River in Nigeria
Based on the preliminary designs of the hydraulic structures for the proposed Gurara river water development project in Nigeria, an economic feasibility analysis is presented. The cost...

Considerations for a Multiple-Use Stormwater Detention Facility
A 60-year-old neighborhood provides the unusual setting for the City of Tulsa's Turner Park-Will Rogers High School Stormwater Detention Facility. The 20-acre site is located...

Measuring Performance of Clay Containment Barriers
Clayey soils compacted to engineering specifications are widely used as structures for hydraulic containment. Current applications include landfill liners, landfill covers, pond liners,...

Tri-County Based Travel Demand Forecasting Analyses in the Tampa Bay Area, State of Florida
This paper describes the application of the micro-computer compatible Florida Standard Urban Transportation Modeling Structure (Micro-FSUTMS) to estimate traffic volume for the purpose...

A Comparative Analysis of Microcomputer and Mainframe Computer Based Modeling Systems
This paper presents a comparative analyses of the Microcomputer Compatible Florida Standard Urban Transportation Modeling Structure (Micro-FSUTMS) performance with its UTPS mainframe computer-based...

A Microcomputer Based Pavement Design Program
This paper describes a newly developed pavement design program. The performance of a number of pavement structures are projected over the analysis period. Structurally adequate designs...

A Microcomputer Methodology for Parsimoniously Structuring a Set of Activities
The paper develops a systematic methodology to aid in the identification and rapid structuring of a system of activities. In essence, the user is asked to supply only the names of the...

Structural Reliability Through Machine Learning From Case Histories
The development of a management tool for the control of structural safety is described. Artificial intelligence techniques of 'machine learning' are employed...

Education and Continuing Development for the Civil Engineer
Setting the Agenda for the 90's and Beyond
The 1990 Forum Proceedings is a collection of papers that were written to provide a basis for deliberation and conclusions at the ASCE 1990 National Forum on Education and Continuing Development...

The Great American Pyramid
For more than 50 years officials of Memphis, Tenn. have wanted to establish a link to their Egyptian namesake--and they will, through a pyramid. As opposed to its Egyptian forerunners,...

On the Drawing Board
Reliable and quantitative nondestructive evaluation (NDE) methods for construction materials of wood, concrete, masonry and structural steel are needed. NSF program director John Scalzi...

Bridges Under Surveillance
Although bridge monitoring is still in its infancy, research, pilot studies and field work are underway across the country. While today it's still a pie-in-the-sky goal, the...





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