Grain-Shape Analysis of Littoral and Shelf Sands, Southern California
Estimation of the exchange rates and determination of transport mechanisms and pathways associated with the onshore-offshore vector is one of the greatest sources of error in sediment...

Equilibrium Profile of a Beach with Varying Grain Size
The classical concave equilibrium profile shape proposed by Bruun (1954) and Dean (1977) is modified to incorporate a varying grain size across-shore. On most beaches the median grain...

The Sedimentary Organisation and Behaviour of Drift-Aligned Gravel Barriers
Drift-aligned barriers formed of coarse clastic materials and described in terms of their organisational evolution at two levels, a) sorting and selection of clasts; b) development of...

Observations of a Tidal Inlet on a Shingle Beach
An observation and measurement program was undertaken at Batiquitos Lagoon, San Diego County, California to better understand the paths and rates of shingle movement in the littoral zone....

Mapping Barrier Island Changes in Louisiana: Techniques, Accuracy, and Results
Changes in shoreline position along Louisiana's rapidly changing barrier coastline were compiled using cartographic data sources and aerial photography from 1855 to 1989. An interactive...

Accuracy Standards and Development of a National Shoreline Change Data Base
Data associated with mapping shoreline position provides baseline information used by scientists, managers, and planners for quantitative assessment of historical trends and prediction...

Geologic Framework and Depositional History of the Southeastern Texas Coast
Effective management of coastal resources and accurate prediction of future land losses are impeded by the lack of geologic framework investigations that link coastal processes with depositional...

Geologic Controls on the Formation and Evolution of Quaternary Coastal Deposits of the Northern Gulf of Mexico
A study of the barrier islands and wetlands in the deltaic plain of Louisiana is presented. Its purpose was to document rapid changes and to learn more about the processes responsible...

Late Quaternary Geologic Framework, North-Central Gulf of Mexico
The geologic framework of the north-central Gulf of Mexico shelf is composed of multiple, stacked, delta systems. Shelf and nearshore sedimentary facies were deposited by deltaic progradation,...

Processes Controlling the Retreat of the Isles Dernieres, A Louisiana Barrier-Island Chain
The Isles Dernieres is a low-lying, transgressive barrier-island chain situated about 150 km west of the modern Mississippi delta. Much of the Isles Dernieres consists of highly dissected...

Cyclonic Events and Sedimentation in the Gulf of Mexico
An ample literature exists documenting the destructive effects hurricanes have upon offshore barrier islands and coastlines. The Gulf of Mexico region has been especially heavily impacted...

Morphodynamics of the Isles Dernieres Barrier Shoreline, Louisiana: 1984?1989
An aerial videotape mapping system was used to monitor spatial and temporal variability of the coastal morphology along the Isles Dernieres barrier shoreline. Between 1984 and 1989, nine...

The Oceanside Experimental Sand Bypass?The Next Step
Following the completion and successful operation of the first phase of the Oceanside Sand Bypass, the next step in the development of the experiment has begun. The Phase I plant is not...

Sand Bypassing at Indian River Inlet, Delaware
To solve a beach erosion problem north of Indian River Inlet, Delaware, the US Army Corps of Engineers Philadelphia District and the State of Delaware have constructed a fixed plant sand...

Short-Term Characteristics of Coastal Lagoon Entrances in California
Methods of predicting the frequency of lagoon opening conditions and the cross-sectional area of the inlet channel are reviewed. The potential variation from these empirical relations...

Implications of Accelerated Sea-Level Rise on Louisiana Coastal Environments
Natural and human-induced processes have combined to produce high rates of relative sea-level rise and coastal land loss in Louisiana. This paper presents historical trends in sea-level...

Effects of Sea Level Rise on the Mississippi River Delta Plain
Geologic studies of the Mississippi River delta plain and continental shelf reveal the occurrence of several relative sea level stillstands during the last stages of the Holocene transgression....

Preservation Potential of the Delaware Atlantic Coast Barrier?Backbarrier System
Volumes of Delaware Atlantic barrier and shoreface lithosomes were digitized to evaluate preservation potential during transgression. Erosion during headland retreat of less than 0.5 km...

Late Quaternary (Pre-Holocene) Coastal Systems of New Jersey
The coastline and the area adjacent to the present shoreline of New Jersey has not been explored as intensely as the same region of neighboring states for pre-Holocene high sea level stillstands....

The Stratigraphic Record of Oxygen Isotope Stage 5 on the Maryland Inner Shelf
Present knowledge of Holocene transgressive coastal/shelf systems, while extensive, cannot directly address the effects and consequences of an extended period of relatively high sea levels...





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